late payment penalties arrive


The 2018 car tax must be paid for the mere possession of a car. It is a pbadage not to be missed because the tax is related to the property and not to its use. This means that the payment must always be made. The calculation of the amount payable depends on the strength of the vehicle and the region of residence. The first stamp of the new car must be paid in the month of registration. But if it happened in the last 10 days of the month, it's time to pay until the last day of the next month. If the last day of the month falls on a holiday or a Saturday, the expiry date is shifted to the next business day.

Penalties, Insertion and Repentance

There is then a clear pattern of penalties to which those who do not pay the car tax are related and are precisely related to the timing of the delay. what irregularity is healthy. More specifically within two weeks of expiration, the fine is equal to 0.1% of the stamp amount for each day of delay; for payment from the 15th to the 30th day from the date of expiration is equal to 1.50% of the amount of the unpaid stamp. In all cases, default interest is 0.3% for each day of delay. It should be noted that repentance between the 31st and 90th day from the deadline provides for a fine of 1.67% plus default interest, while for repentance after the 91st day and within a time limit year, the fine is 3.75% There is one aspect to take into account: since it is a local tax, the interests set by law can not only change each year, but may vary depending on the region to which they belong. In most of the cases. the penalty to be paid is 1% of the stamp duty for each day late in 15 days, which becomes 15% from the 31st to the 90th day. And that is why it is advisable to calculate the online buffer with this tool. And we must not forget a detail of paramount importance. At the moment the irregularity is pronounced by sanctions and interest of delay, it is naturally necessary to pay the initial amount of the tax on the vehicles. Therefore, it is always best not to exceed the time limits.

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