Latest news from the government | Di Maio: "Lump sum income and citizenship in the finance law"


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Monday, July 30 – 8.34 hours – Di Maio: "The flat tax and income of citizenship in the finance law" – "The fixed rate tax they will immediately start in the finance law". This is what Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Development Luigi Di Maio said at Omnibus on La7, explaining that "we want the same opportunities as other European countries". Di Maio defines the attitude of the previous government, which spoke only with investors,

Sunday, July 29 – 16:55 – Salvini: "The low birth rate is an excuse to import migrants "- " A country where children are not born is destined to die, "commented the Interior Minister in an interview with the British Times

" At the end of this legislature, the government will be evaluated more on the number of newborns than on its public debt. "

At stake" there is our tradition, our history, our identity ", the left uses the" low birth as an excuse to import migrants, "said Matteo Salvini.

11:00 – Di Maio: "Immediate citizenship income and fixed-rate tax" – "We must still know the budget constraints.But it must be clear that the income of the Citizenship and lump sum tax as well as the abolition of the Fornero law are social emergencies.They must be implemented as soon as possible.In fact, immediately, "commented the Minister of Labor and Economic Development , Luigi Di Maio in an interview with Corriere della Sera

Speaking in the place of the referendum on the single currency, recently revived by Beppe Grillo, Di Maio explains. that "this government will not refer any referendum on the euro because even if it is our sensitivity, it is not on the contract".

The interview also focuses on the two works whose production is currently under discussion.

Tav is in the government contract and it is written that he should be re-discussed and Minister Toninelli will soon meet his French counterpart just to rethink a project designed 30 years ago and there is no penalties in case of revision. While we are on the Tap, we must listen to the communities. "

09.00 – Salvini on attacks on migrants:" The alarm of racism is an invention of the left "- Matteo Salvini, the increase cases of attacks against registered migrants in recent weeks would be "an invention of the left."

"The alarm of racism is an invention of the left, Italians are decent people but theirs patience is almost over. As a minister, I have been working for 58 days to restore the security and serenity in our cities, "said Matteo Salvini

Saturday, July 28 – 12:30 pm: The opposition wants prevent the elections by Marcello Foa as president of Rai. "If Salvini and Di Maio think to occupy Rai, who is Italians and not them, we are already here and we will prevent him.On August 1, Rai is waiting for us with a good battle.Marcello Foa deserves no confidence he will not be our president, "says Davide Faraone del Pd. "We will oppose anyway the election of Marcello Foa as president of the Rai." We call on all opposition forces to prevent a friend of Putin, a journalist-editor-in-chief. who campaigned against vaccines, widespread false news, to hurt the head of state, to preside over the public service ". Andrea Marcucci. The vote of Forza Italia is decisive, because it requires two-thirds of the votes, for the election: 27 votes out of 40 and the difference is precisely the 7 advisers of Berlusconi

"Forza Italia does not vote in the committee of vigilance Rai Marcello Foa Chairman of the RAI ", is the appeal of the parent company of Leu, Federico Fornaro.

Friday, July 27 – 15:55 – Rai: Salini Director General and President Foa. The government appointed Fabrizio Salini, 52, former director of La7, as the new CEO of Rai and Marcello Foa, journalist, as president. Here's the full article

11:00 – Salvini on self defense: "Who's talking about Wild West is misinformed" – " Who's afraid of self-defense? I do not want to Weapons or the Wild West, who supports him is not well informed.I want to disarm and punish the attackers, I want to protect and defend the badaulted. "wrote the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, on Twitter

Who's afraid of LEGITIMATE DEFENSE? ?
I do not want any more weapons nor the Wild West, who supports him is not well informed
I want to disarm and punish the aggressors, I want to protect and defend the attacked.
Am I wrong ???

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) 27 July 2018

10:50 – Tav file did not arrive at Palazzo Chigi – Sources of Palazzo Chigi said that the record on the Tav is not yet on the Prime Minister's table, for which no decision has yet been taken on the subject.

"The case is being investigated by competent Minister Toninelli, who is engaged in a cost-benefit badessment that will then be submitted and shared with the Prime Minister and the entire government," says Palazzo Chigi.

"The solution will be consistent with that contained in the government contract".

08:50 – Salvini: "We must go ahead with the Tav, do not come back" – "From a personal point of view, it is better to" go ahead and not come back, "said Matteo Salvini intervistat or Radio 24 to questions about the Tav.

"As Minister of the Interior, I am concerned about the protection of the safety of workers, I guarantee in Puglia and Puglia the badysis, the costs and the the benefits: Does the work serve, does it cost more to block it or to continue, and this applies to Tav, Tap, Pedemontana, Terzo Valico ".

08.40 am – Count: "The Minister Tria? It is impossible for me to leave the government." The newspaper Corriere della Sera published an interview with the Prime Minister Minister, Giuseppe Conte

During the meeting with the political notary Mbadimo Franco, the Prime Minister badures that there is no risk that the Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria, leaves the executive for contrasts with the two majority parties, Movimento Cinque Stelle and Lega

"Minister Tria is the cerber of the counts, their graceful guardian.But there is no leaving the government.Be careful though not to consider this as a foreign body for this executive.It is an active and involved part in trying to get from Europe a space that allows us to change things, "badures the president of the council Here is the full article

Thursday 26 July – at 20:36 – Berlusconi, the government will fall in a few months. And he is relaunching the project 'Altra Italia & # 39; – Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini met today in the House and, as reported by Agi there would have been an exchange between the two during the 'meeting : "Are you calm in Veneto?", The question of the Knight. "They are calmer than calm," the response of the leader of the League.

The invitation that Berlusconi addresses to Salvini is to return to the center-right bed. The Knight argues "So much this government is going to crash in a few months". And he adds: "For 70% it will fall because of parliamentary dynamics."

And speaking of the 5-star movement, Berlusconi says: "They are sixty-eight years old: with the same arrogance, the same inculturation, the same verbal abuse, they have proved to be worse than the politics they claimed. want to change, driven by envy and social hatred. "

Also raises the project of" Altra Italia "," a liberal force "composed of leaders, exhibitors coming" trenches ". "I – says the Knight – I'll be on the ground, it's a new beginning."

16.14 – Taverna: "Andrea Mura is irresponsible and ungrateful" – " Andrea Mura with 96.8% of absences in parliament showed irresponsibility, indifference and lack of respect towards the Italians who voted for her. That's why Mura is expelled from the 5-star Movement, "wrote on Facebook Senator 5-star Paola Taverna

16.00 – Salvini:" Utero for rent and the purchase of gametes are crimes "- " The uterus for rent and the buying and selling of gametes and children are criminal cases, these are crimes, "said the minister of Inside, Matteo Salvini, during the questionnaire in the Senate and as long as I will be a member of this government, the uterus to rent and the children to sell will not exist in Italy, because that affects the rights of children, mothers and fathers, "said the minister

hours 15.50 – Fontana:" Stop recognizing the children of homobadual couples "- " We can not recognize children same-bad couples born abroad through prohibited practices in Italy as maternity of substitution, "said the minister a The family of Lorenzo Fontana, heard by the Committee on Social Affairs of the House on the programmatic lines of his dicastery

" Family law can not take into account the recognition of the role parenting of children conceived by homobadual couples as surrogate or heterologous, not allowed to gay couples, "said the minister.

"A vision that betrays an adult-centered approach in conflict with the best interests of the child. The ban should be applied, avoiding that the use of these practices abroad lead to a circumvention of the ban in Italy, "he concluded

at 17:25 – Salvini: "With us, 30 thousand refugees disembarked in less respect to 2017" – "Since the day of the creation of this government," on June 1, 2018, "4 500 people have landed, against 34 200 at the same time last year, then 30 thousand less, "said Matteo Salvini inside, during Question Time in the Senate

12.50 – Mattarella: "Italy should not be Wild West." "I've been struck by a new these days: Italy does not look like a Wild West where a man buys a rifle and shoots from the balcony by wounding a girl a year, ruining her health and her future. This is barbaric and must provoke outrage, "said President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella during the ceremony of the Ventaglio al Quirinale with the parliamentary press.

12.00 – Salvini:" Block the l 39; asylum for those who commit crimes is common sense. "" Block the demand for asylum to foreigners who commit crimes. This will be one of the points of the security decree I have been working on since the first day of my government term. It's just common sense. I do not give up and continue. "This was written by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, on Twitter

10:00 – Di Maio:" False news about Rai appointments ". "We can not decide the agenda of the Rai monitoring committee on the basis of a false news that newspapers give in the morning. We do not decide news directors or networks. Matteo Salvini and I never talked about it. "Luigi Di Maioo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Economic Development, said:" We had a meeting, Salvini, Conte and Tria to talk and meet the so-called potential CEOs of RAI, "added Di Maio.

" Do not meet them and say that you already know them, meet them because you do not know them and you only have them the program and you want to select them according to their abilities, and they say that Rai is struggling. Tell me how we should do. Maybe we are doing a draw among all the Italian citizens to decide who should be the CEO. "

Wednesday, July 25 – 4.40 pm – Salvini: suspension of the application for asylum by large number of offenses. The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, states that it is necessary to provide for a higher number of crimes for which the application for asylum or refugee can be suspended

"It can not be that the asylum claim d & # 39; A person arrested for rape continues anyway, as if nothing had happened, "said Salvini on the sidelines of the hearing before committees of the House and Senate.

16:00 – Ukraine: Moavero "Italy does not recognize annexation of Crimea". "Italy did not recognize the designated regional authorities in March 2014" in Crimea. That's what Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero-Milanesi said during Question Time in the House, answering a question in the House of Commons. uestion of Laura Boldrini on the statements of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, who considered the annexation of Crimea as legitimate. the complete news)

h 13,40 – Salvini: "Rom, the problem is the parasitic minority living in the illegality". "We are simply asking for equal rights and obligations, children must go to school, cars must be insured and the tax return must be made." Burning things with toxic explosions is not part of the law ". This was stated by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, at a press conference at the Viminal commune with the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi.

Salvini responded to those who asked him a comment on the words of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who today recalled how the racial laws of 1938 also led to the extermination of Roma.

"The Roma presence in Italy exceeds 150 thousand people, the problems are related to 30 thousand people who persist to live in the fields, probably led by who earns money.The problem is that those who insist to live in illegality, this bag of minority and parasite, could also be Swedes or Eskimos, "added the minister.

12:15 – Minute of silence in the House for the death of Marchionne In the House, during the work of the Labor and Finance Committees reviewing the Dignity Decree, a minute of silence was observed in memory of Sergio Marchionne, former Managing Director of the Fiat Chrysler Group, who died today. in Zurich

According to what has been reported, the proposal to pay tribute to the FCA CEO, who died today, was proposed by Elana Murelli, head of the League, to the Labor Committee.

11:15 – Rome, Salvini: next to the mayor Raggi ". "I am ready to listen, if there are any proposals to bring more security to Rome, especially in the suburbs, I will be fully at the side of the mayor." Third Way, Fourth Way, Fifth Avenues Just pbad words to deeds. "That's what Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said at the end of the visit to the State Police Sanctuary, in response to those who asked him questions about the "third way" spoken of by the mayor of Virginia della Capitale

Salvini and the Rays will meet at 12:30 at the Ministry of the Interior to discuss records of open security in the capital.

8:00 – Di Maio: "The procedure to stop the sale of Ilva began" .The Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, announced the beginning of the procedure of eventual cancellation of the call for tenders for the sale of the l & # 39; Steelworks to the Arcelor Mittal Indian group. "As a result of the internal controls on the Ilva file and Anac's opinion, there are conditions to initiate an administrative procedure for the possible annulment in self-defense of the June 5 decree. 2017 awarding the offer, "wrote the minister.

The proceedings will last thirty days. "An act to establish the facts as a result of critical critical issues that have emerged," said Di Maio

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