League fund, party sources: we will ask for a meeting with Mattarella


After the decision of the Supreme Court


The League will request a meeting with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on the issue of seizure of funds to the party. This is what is learned from the sources of the league. The Lega considers the decision of the Supreme Court that gave the go-ahead to the seizure of funds a very serious attack against democracy

An act – that of the Court that authorized the blocking of funds ordered by the Court of Genoa in the context of the alleged irregularities in the electoral reimbursements of the Bossi-Belsito management – which, for the Via Bellerio movement, aims to get the party out of court, unprecedented action in Italy and Europe. Attack on the Constitution – it is claimed – because it refuses to millions of Italians the right to be represented. For this reason, the League will request an urgent meeting with the President of the Republic on his return from the mission to Lithuania

Csm: concern for the statements of the League
At the Palazzo dei Marshals, to what has been learned, the words of the League on The verdict of the Court was the subject of discussion among the councilors, and a "serious concern" emerges for words and tones deemed "unacceptable".

Pd: serious brings back the hill
"If the press of the League was confirmed to request a meeting with President Mattarella on the condemnation of the Supreme Court, about 49 million to be returned to the citizens, we would face a serious case and unprecedented invasion of constitutional powers: what does the President of the Republic have to do with a judicial conviction, in addition to the supreme organ of our jurisdiction? ". It is backed by Michele Anzaldi, MP Pd, who continues: "We have already witnessed the shameful badault of Di Maio and the 5-Star Movement against Colle during the days of government formation, the Quirinale must be protected against the who sees with his prerogatives, in a confusion of roles and powers that damages our system. "

" It is appropriate that the Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of the Lega Salvini, and the President of the Council Conte – he concludes – an intention of the genre The League, instead of fueling institutional disorder and shouting at conspiracy, makes clarity in full transparency. "

Supreme Court:" Wherever it is found "any sum
Lega Nord – on bank accounts, booklets, deposits – must be seized up to 49 million euros, which would be the product of fraud in the state for which he was the former leader of the Umberto Bossi League is in the first degree. This was emphasized yesterday by the Supreme Court in the grounds that confirmed the appeal of Genoa's prosecutor against Matteo Salvini contrary to the seizures of "carpet".

The Riesame must now follow the indications of the "ermellini". 1.5 million euros locked up so far. In the opinion of the highest judges, the Guardia di Finanza can proceed to the blocking of the Lega accounts under the seizure decree issued on September 4 by the Genoa public prosecutor, without the need for a new provision for them. may be discovered on the accounts. to the decree.

On the contrary, according to Giovanni Ponti, Lega's lawyer, the only sums that can be seized are those appearing on the accounts "at the time of the execution of the seizure" with "consequential inadmissibility of the prosecutor's requests to proceed with seizure of sums deposited "

According to the defense of the League, the prosecutor could only request the confiscation of" future sums "during the appeal process. But the Supreme Court objected that the money on the accounts may not have been found at the time of the decree "for a transitory or reversible impossibility", and the prosecutor does not have to account for all the investigations carried out "otherwise the precautionary function be easily bypbaded for the time it takes to complete them ".

Salvini: Never seen the money, political process
"These 49 million euros are not there, I can make a collection, but it is a political process concerning facts of money that I have never seen 10 years ago, "said Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini yesterday on the show" On air & # 39; on La7, commenting the motivations of the Supreme Court on the funds of the League

League: we bother, they will not stop us
to learn from the agencies, even before the cbadation, the reasons for the sentence who should continue the seizure concerned 48 million euros in election reimbursements. "" Perhaps the effectiveness of Lega government action annoys anyone, but they will not stop us like this ". This is how Giulio Centemero, a member of the Lega and a party administrator, "is aware of the total transparency and honesty with which we have managed the movement, with financial statements certified by external companies, and not having secret accounts abroad but only a few cash lire like the seizures already made, we will take 10 cents at the court of Genoa all that we collected as offers of retirees, students and workers lor s of the Pontida meeting. "

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