League, the pursuit of the pros begins: "Enter accounts everywhere"


Above all with the seizures of the Lega accounts of Matteo Salvini . The Supreme Court gave the go-ahead to the prosecutors of Genoa to extend "the original precautionary provision" aiming for "direct confiscation" of nearly 49 million euros, even to sums "flowed both after the date of execution of the seizure decree of September 4, 2017" on accounts and deposits relating to Lega Nord . Therefore, they can fetch this money "anywhere and with anyone" . In short, he started the big fight for the Lega who, having arrived at the government thanks to the exploit collected during the general elections of March 4, continues to grow in the polls.

In the council chamber of April 12, the second criminal section of the Cbadation decided to accept the appeal of the Genoese prosecutors against the "no" of the review court of the Ligurian capital before the petition to be able to make the seizures in relation to the sums which will be deposited on the current accounts del Carroccio. The judicial question starts from the sentence, pronounced by the court of Genoa a year ago, against Umberto Bossi and the former treasurer Francesco Belsito accused of having cheated the State with electoral reimbursements and therefore sentenced to 2 a year and a half and 4 years and 10 months. With this verdict, the judges of Genoa had ordered the confiscation of nearly 49 million euros as "sum corresponding to the profit, of this perceived institution, of the crimes for which he had been condemned" . On 4 September 2017, the prosecutor requested and obtained the preventive seizure to confiscate the 49 million. To date, the figures seized amount to just over 2 million euros. The prosecutor's request to prolong the execution of the seizure was subsequently rejected by the review, but the Court of Cbadation, by its decision, postponed the procedure to the judges of Genoa for a new examination. The judges of Piazza Cavour have, in fact, highlighted "the irrelevance of the source of the seizure" because, according to the sentence filed today, "l & # 39; object of the precautionary measure is always that of original decree, which among others has not been challenged " namely " the existence of the monetary availability of the Lega North which has increased the profit of the crime, thus legitimizing the direct confiscation of the relative imposed, anywhere and to any person who is guarded and therefore also of that received on the accounts and / or deposits on the date following the execution of the genetic provision "

The reaction of the league is immediate, which – according to what stands out from the party's internal sources -" are refined and have written dozens of complaints against those who speak inappropriately about the money stolen by the League ". The official comment comes from Giulio Centemero, deputy of the League and director of the party: "Perhaps the effectiveness of the Lega government's action annoys someone, but they do not will not prevent it. "

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