"League with M5 against nature"


At a time when the confrontation of Dl Dignità continues, Forza Italia with Antonio Tajani tries to remind Matteo Salvini of his original membership. The call is to put aside as soon as possible the yellow-green anomaly and invest in the center, definitely the majority of the country.

"Governance with the M5 is unnatural for the League, you only have to see what's going on in the last few weeks: a lot of words and few facts, it's impossible for Salvini to stay with Di Maio, I think It's just that he goes home, with the center-right, with Forza Italia and the Brothers of Italy, "is the appeal of the President of the European Parliament in Gr Rai. What Salvini says about the upcoming European elections (it will be a clash between "us and the EU elites") "seems to me to be a great national propaganda Forza Italia has been fighting for years for the rights of citizens in the European Parliament and in the Community institutions I have been Vice-President of the European Commission and I am acting as President of the Parliament, which is why we aim to win back the presidency of the European Parliament for the next two and a half years. "

Tajani also offers his advice on the issue of landings and irregular immigration. "I think we need to stop migratory flows in Libya. This is why in the coming days I will be in Tripoli and then I will go to Niger to try to contribute to a European solution to the migration problem. "

Salvini avoids sharp tones in his response, but confirms the desire not to challenge existing alliances." I do what citizens say to me. There is a government contract and I will try to respect it until the end, not only on the issues of which I am directly responsible, namely immigration, security, the fight against the mafia, but also on tax issues, Fornero's labor law, tax reduction and relations with Equitalia "and so" as long as there will be this government contract, I will land to this contract ". On the possible candidacy of Silvio Berlusconi to Europeans, Salvini is not unbalanced: "Everyone is running for his list. I wish Forza Italia the best fortunes, but it is not me who makes the lists of the other parties. Fortunately. "

In the context of Forza Italia continues its critical badysis on the merits of the governmental measures:" Di Maio propagated the phantasmagorical content of the decree Dignity during weeks. If you confirm the outstanding drafts, we are facing a fatal blow to Italian companies. We do not create jobs with growth chains, the job only starts with more development, "commented Mariastella Gelmini. And Maurizio Gasparri opens another potentially conflictual front for Lega and Cinquestelle. "Once again, on a fundamental issue like the family, there are differences in the government. The fear is that the step between participation in gay pride and the revival of absurd laws like that of the so-called uterus to rent is short. Indeed, although prohibited in Italy, this practice, which consists of buying a child, like any other commercial product, is practiced by some couples abroad who then try to obtain the recognition of their child in Italy. To curb, I introduced a bill that, in addition to confirming the bans already in effect in Italy, also punishes our fellow citizens who wanted to practice this procedure abroad. "

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