Lecce, the blitz Carabinieri against the Sacra Corona Unita: 33 arrests


The Carabiniers of the Ros execute, in the province of Lecce, a custody order issued, at the request of the district prosecutor of the anti-mafia district, against 33 persons, belonging in particular to two criminal groups federated with the clan "Tornese "Of Monteroni, investigation by a mafia badociation, drug trafficking, extortion, imprisonment and illegal possession of arms and other crimes aggravated by the mafia method. This provision stems from an investigative activity that has restored the organizational structure of the Sacra Corona Unita's Salinas fringe, drug trafficking activities and attempts to infiltrate clans in certain economic sectors. from the Gallipoli coast. public places. The details of the operation will be announced at a press conference to be held at the Carabinieri di Lecce headquarters at 10:30.

Monday 2 July 2018 – Last updated: 10,31


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