Left 14th for 3.5 million retirees. Inclusive income for 700,000 families


For income support of the poorest two dates must be searched on the calendar. Left more than 3 and a half million pensioners with an allowance less than one thousand euros will receive the fourteenth. While since July 1 the potential audience of the Rei is expanding, the social inclusion income introduced by the previous government. At what time could it affect 700 thousand households (not more than 500 thousand as in the past) for 2.5 million people involved.

The 14th monthly payment for about 3.5 million retirees comes Monday, a breath of oxygen for those who receive lower checks . Indeed, those who have reached the age of 64 have a monthly gross income not exceeding 1.000 euros. The average amount will be 500 euros and will start from a minimum of 336 euros up to 655.20 euros depending on the contributions paid. The public is about the same as last year and the total cost is about 1.7 billion. Spi Cgil realizes that it is an extremely important tool that brings a few more resources to the poorer retirees.

The fourteenth for retirees stems from an agreement between the unions and the government in 2007 and was strengthened and extended with the agreement signed by the previous executive in 2016. L & # 39; Last year 2 million retirees received it increased by 30% and over a million had it for the first time. The benefit of the grant will be more women than men, considering that on average they have lower pension income mainly because of discontinuous and fragmented careers
I am proud of this choice of governments Pd. It is what is called equity, a useful choice, a good decision, said yesterday the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Maurizio Martina.

The regions with the largest number of 14 will be Lombardy (470 000), followed by Sicily (327 000) and Campania regions with the lowest pension income (313 000). Then come Veneto (300,000), Lazio (260,000), Puglia (257,000), Piedmont (240,000), Emilia-Romagna (225,000), Tuscany (215,000), Calabria (145,000), the Marches (118,000), Sardinia (106,000), Liguria (100,000). The taillights are Abruzzo (98 thousand), Friuli Venezia Giulia (75 thousand), Umbria (60 thousand), Trentino Alto Adige (54 thousand), Basilicata (50 thousand), Molise (30 thousand), Valle d'Oro. Aosta (6 thousand).

From 1 July, the potential audience of the Rei, income of social inclusion introduced by the previous government, also extends . As required by the Finance Act, it will no longer be necessary to have at least one minor, a disabled person, a pregnant woman or an unemployed person over 55 years old to obtain the grant. For this reason until June the potential audience was about 500 thousand families for 1.8 million people and now it expands to 700 thousand cores for a total of 2.5 millions of people, thus becoming "universal" as claimed on social networks. former minister Pd Graziano Delrio

The economic benefit will be differentiated according to the number of family members rising from a maximum of 187.5 euros for a single person to 539.8 euros for a core of at least 6 persons. Among the requirements to have the Rei is an Isee not exceeding 6 thousand euros and a value of real estate, other than housing, no more than 20,000 euros. The Rei is compatible with a work activity (without prejudice to economic requirements) but not with the Naspi. Nominations could be submitted from June 1st and INPS has already announced that from this date, applications sent in the first few months of the year would be reconsidered and put aside for want of Old family requirements previously requested. The benefit is granted for a maximum period of 18 months, after which it can not be renewed if at least six months have not elapsed.

To obtain the Rei, you must be an Italian citizen or a foreign citizen with a long-stay card but you must reside in Italy continuously for at least two years at the time of the application. Conditional economic benefit to the test means and membership in a personalized project of activation and social and professional integration. According to data published at the end of March, the number of people benefiting from anti-poverty measures in the first quarter of 2018 was nearly 900,000 (out of 251,000 families), of whom more than 300,000 had the Rei (out of 110,000 families). 5 million Italians in absolute poverty, the highest figure since 2005

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