Lega Fabrizio Del Noce for the top Rai: valued Elisa Isoardi


There is tension in Viale Mazzini. RAI's nomination proposals are approaching and will respond, again this year and despite the government of change, to the old rules of subdivision between the parties that run the executive. It goes without saying, in short, that the game will be entirely internal to Movimento 5 Stelle e Lega . In particular, there are the appointments of the Director General of Rai (currently owned by Mario Orfeo), the President of Rai (current, Monica Maggiorni), the network directors and directors of the news bulletins of the public television. [19659002] READ MORE> Di Maio stoppa Grillo on Rai: "Must return the merit"

Lega Fabrizio Del Noce, the motives behind the "candidacy"

Everyone seems to have their ideas in mind. And the date of July 11 – when the Ministry of the economy will have to indicate the name – is getting closer and closer. For the appointment of the general manager, indeed, the 5-star movement would still prefer the choice in the team composed by Milena Gabanelli, Ferruccio De Bortoli and Carlo Freccero . On the other hand, there is the League which does not want to give up and which – as the newspaper La Stampa reports – would prefer the former director general Fabrizio Del Noce . He directed the Rai in the period between 2002 and 2009, years in which – among others – brought out the character of Elisa Isoardi .

Just the present companion of Matteo Salvini indeed, was proposed to lead the Cook's Test in conjunction with the pregnancy of Antonella Clerici between 2008 and 2009. A choice that , at the time and today, did not fail to provoke controversy: Clerici herself felt "betrayed" by Rai for this momentary change. Next year, then, it will be Elisa Isoardi to direct the show, with the last goodbye of Antonella Clerici after 18 years

Lega Fabrizio Del Noce but not only: Tg1 and Tg2 [19659003] So the misconceptions – behind this choice of the League – we see the hand of Matteo Salvini, conditioned by the previous experiences of the new partner. But it is obviously rumors. Everything is still open even for news management: the 5 Star Movement would like a shared director for the flagship network, a "Leghista" director for TG2 and a director in M5S orbit for TG3. The League, however, would like the leadership of Tg1 and Tg2. For the first, it is possible to apply for Gennaro Sangiuliano still the deputy director of Tg1 and very close friend of Matteo Salvini. A possible axis with Luigi Di Maio would open the doors for the management of the first building of Saxa Rubra.

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