Lega Fund: Belsito, when I left 40 million in cash – Liguria


"When I left Il Carroccio in 2012, the Lega Nord was a very rich holiday.I remember that there were more than 40 million euros in accounts, of which only ten were legal reserves ", besides" there were prestigious properties such as the headquarters in Via Bellerio and Radio Padania frequencies that I personally bought, in other words, another 30 at least millions ". The former treasurer of the Northern League, Francesco Belsito, said that he had been sentenced in the first instance for election reimbursement funds. "In my opinion – he says to speak of the" treasure "accumulated under his direction and judged by the judiciary – they have pbaded". "It's a fact that surprised me too – he observes – but at the same time, just look at the financial statements to understand how they spent their money," "but it's not a problem." let's not forget that there have been a lot of election campaigns. " "With Maroni, relations were limited because at the time he was Minister of the Interior, but with Salvini, he was more frequent – he said – as a member of Radio Padania and took care to receive funds to pay journalists or collaborators ". Speaking of his management of the funds, for which he ended up being accused, he then declared that "in Via Bellerio everyone knew that the collaborators were paid in black". Also Salvini or Maroni? "Of course, even Giorgetti, Calderoli, Bossi", after "the scandal in many people have refused to take the distance, and yet almost all parliamentarians have made personal investments identical to those of the League." (ANSA)


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