Lega Nord, Cassation: "Enter the accounts" | Salvini: "They are made 10 years ago"


The Deputy Prime Minister: "Never seen this money". According to the supreme judges, it is necessary to requisition all property until 49 million euros are returned, the value of the fraud for which Bossi was convicted

Salvini: "Political process on facts dating back to 10 years " – When asked to comment on the case, Matteo Salvini reiterated that" these 49 million euros are not there, I can make a collection, but it 's a political process that involves facts of money that I' ve never seen 10 years ago. ] The review will therefore have to follow the indications of "ermellini " – Until now, a million and a half euros have been blocked. According to the supreme judges, the Guardia di Finanza can now proceed to block the accounts of Carroccio following the seizure decree of 4 September, signed by the prosecutor of Genoa, without the need for a new provision for all sums found on the accounts in later moments. decree itself

Giovanni Ponti, lawyer of the Lega, did not think it, according to which the only sums which can be sequenced are those appearing on the accounts "at the time of the execution of the seizure" and the requests are therefore inadmissible from the afternoon to also proceed to the sum of sums deposited ". "The defense of the League therefore considers that the prosecutor could ask for the confiscation of" future sums "only during the appeal process.

The Supreme Court replies that the money accounts no. may not have been found at the time of the decree "for transitional or reversible impossibility" and the prosecutor must not report on all the investigations carried out, "otherwise the precautionary function of the seizure could easily be avoided for the necessary time to their fulfillment ".

"The seizure has the conditions of the law" – In the verdict that opens to the block "carpet" accounts of the Lega also for sums recovered after the issuance of the decree, c & # 39; is in the pursuit of investigations chasing the "treasure" illegally confiscated by the Carroccio between 2008 and 2010, the Supreme Court points out that the decree of 4 September is a provision "issued in compliance with the requirements of the law and which n & # 39; In practice, the Supreme Courts report that the League, after the conviction of Bossi, did not contest the legitimacy of the seizure of sums illegally confiscated by the former head, but only later the party tried to restrict seizure of sums that could enter the accounts in the future.

For this case Bossi, re-elected to the Senate, was sentenced to two years and six months in first instance, Former treasurer of the league Fra ncesco Belsito at the age of four years ten months, one year and nine months Stefano Aldovisi, two years and eight months each Diego Sanavio and Antonio Turci. The last three were sentenced as auditors of the League. At trial, the highest sentence was five years' imprisonment for recycling, imposed on Paolo Scala and Stefano Bonet, contractors suspected of having transferred part of the loot, to Cyprus and Tanzania.

The Lega: "Ready dozens of lawsuits" – Lega filtering environments that are being perfected and write dozens of complaints against them, observe the sources of the Carroccio, " talk about the money stolen from the League ". While the deputy and party director Giulio Centemero says: "We are surprised to learn from the agencies, even before the Court of Cbadation, the reasons for the conviction that should continue the seizure related to 48 million euros. The League's government action bores somebody, but they will not stop us like this. "

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