Lega, Salvini and the project for Europe. Names, goals, numbers and …


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Europa dei Popoli – League of Peoples . These are the keywords of the project Matteo Salvini in view of the European elections of 2019. The goal of the leader of the Carroccio, announced by the Pontida stage, is to give rise to a Sovranist gathering that aims to radically change the politics of the European Union by blocking the elites of banks and finance and multinational lobbies. The way to do this is to prevent the European People's Party from having a majority in the next European Parliament and, in fact, to appoint the Commission and to guide its choices.

The plan is ambitious but not impossible. From next year, there will be more British, so the PES loses the UK Labor, and especially in France the electoral system for Europeans is proportional and not as majority as the legislative. It goes without saying that the National Front Marine Le Pen can win a considerable number of seats (unlike the Parliament of Paris). The new National League, which has exceeded 30% in polls, will then be the locomotive of change in Europe . The goal of Salvini is to bring at least 30 MEPs to Strasbourg and to form the largest Italian delegation of the new group Europa dei Popoli – Lega dei Popoli.

And these are the words of the turning point. A new Europe that looks at people, their rights, their needs and not the logic of finance and spreads. This is not a coincidence if the secretary of the Northern League recalled that the Greek people are "hungry" thanks to the troika. "It's not enough to rule in Rome, now the European Union must be overthrown" is the new leitmotif legitimist . And to do this, a blocking majority is needed to prevent Merkel and Macron from "good and bad times". The allies are not lacking in Salvini, from Austrians to Dutch, while discussions with the Germans of Afd are ongoing, given their positions that are not always in line with the FN-League group of the European Parliament.

But the real move of the Matteo-Marine duo must bring on its side the parties that run the countries of Visegrad (not only the Hungarian Orban) and, why not, the Bavarian Csu of the German minister of the Inside Seehofer. S touch Orban of the EPP will not be easy but the position on migrants makes it increasingly difficult for the Hungarians to remain. Calculations that are made at the League house give as goal a quota attainable 250 MEPs. If this were the case, then considering other groups like the Greens, left-left and communists, Ppe and Pse would no longer have the majority in Strasbourg. And, therefore, the new Commission will be distinctly different from the current Commission led by Juncker

. Returning to Italy, the attitude of 5 Stars will be decisive. Now the grillini are with Nigel Farage and Ukip, who obviously will not come back to the European Parliament. So, Di Maio will have to decide whether to enter the sovereign block to guide Salvini or look for a home elsewhere. The hypothesis of an alliance with En Marche di Macron is now over after the furious quarrels between the Elysee and the Italian government. Also Fratelli from Italia even though he will cross the 4% mark, will have to decide if he wants to follow the league. With the risk, however, to become a small side of Carroccio.

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