Lega, Salvini defies the judges: "It's a political phrase"


The answer to the Supreme Court arrives in the evening. And it is a point on which Salvini seems not to want to return. Today, the judges have given the green light to the prosecutors of Genoa to extend the "direct confiscation" of 49 million euros to the League to any funds received "in a moment after the date". execution of the seizure decree of 4 September 2017 "on accounts and deposits referred to the Lega Nord.

Translated: Money can be sought "anywhere and with anyone". The big fight started with the leaguers, who are growing in the polls. The conviction provoked the hard reaction of the Minister of the Interior. As studies of the 7, where he was the host of the show In Onda, he made it clear that today is "a political phrase", made specifically because it is "a political phrase," made specifically because they "try to outlaw us and they do not succeed."

transmission to the Tg of la7, the "hunt" to the funds of Lega was also the occasion of a small curtain between Mentana and the Deputy Prime Minister. "They can grab what they want – said Salvini – who talks about stolen money is being pursued: I have so many mistakes but I do not make any compromise on my honesty .. S & # 39; there is a judge who wants to ban a party, good wishes, and again: "If there are facts of ten years ago, think of the people who were ten years ago." it is not now "this money is not there", but the secretary of Carroccio says that it is the 49 million "I have never seen them". is "an obviously political process that involves facts of more than 10 years on funds that I have never seen, I can bring the money donated by pensioners Sunday to Pontida to buy t-shirts and caps. "19659004] [ad_2]
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