Lega Salvini, here is the "magic circle". The names of the most listened counselors


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Five, all men, for Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. The "magic circle" of the secretary of the Northern League in the government, or the most trusted advisers on the political strategy of the Carroccio within the executive, including the relationship with the 5 stars and Giuseppe Conte, are the Deputy Councilors Giancarlo Giorgetti (number two of Via Bellerio), the Minister of Family Lorenzo Fontana, Deputy Minister of Economy Mbadimo Garavaglia and the two sub-tenants of the Interior Stefano Candiani and Nicola Molteni. It is the fifth highest league by Salvini, even several times a day, on the main topics of the government's political action. In the League does not even want to hear about "magic circle" (bad luck if we think of those Berlusconi and Renzi), more than anything else, it is a kind of government gohta Carroccio who consults on various subjects and several times a day to help the secretary-minister-vice-first to lead the party line.

Outside this fifties, there are also other members of the League who are part of a second, wider circle, which advises Salvini. The second level includes Ministers Gianmarco Centinaio, Erika Stefani and Giulia Bongiorno, Senate Deputy Speaker Roberto Calderoli, Under-Secretary Armando Siri, Presidents of the Commission Alberto Bagnai and Claudio Borghi and Governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Mbadimiliano Fedriga . The success of the League lies precisely in the speed with which political and communication decisions are made. When the League and in particular Salvini have to take a position – from immigration to taxes, from pensions to relations with the 5 Stars or the Center-Right, fifties consults quickly and the political line is withdrawn in a few minutes. In other cases, depending on the subject and the skills, Salvini or Giorgetti consult one or more members of the second circle. A streamlined, efficient and fast structure.

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