Lega, Salvini in Pontida: "The ports are and will remain closed"


"The harbors for these human beings are and will remain closed, and today there is a third boat that will take the road to another country and there will be a fourth and so on". To speak, the Minister of Interior, Matteo Salvini, speaking at the 32nd meeting of Pontida, in the province of Bergamo (among participants also beginners from the South). Secretary Lega, at his Viminale debut, arrived around 10:30 this morning, and crossed the pitch to greet the fans, emphasizing the desire to "be part of the people", while allowing himself the usual selfie. "Europeans next year – he told reporters – will be a referendum between Europe's elites and banks and that of peoples and labor". What is certain, he said, "is that they will not be able to quarrel with the M5S", returning to talk about the internal differences in the Movement concerning the reception of migrants and the rights of homobadual couples (here the editorial of Mbadimo Gramellini Salvini, bulldozers and consent ") .To accompany him on stage the aria" Nessun dorma "of Turandot (" A l '; dawn I will win "), before the traditional greeting to the Tree of Life, dedicated to the Leghisti who are no longer:" Let the others be hateful, envious "and rosicare and finish the stocks of maalox in Italian pharmacies. We are here to build We will cancel the unfair and erroneous law I renew my commitment here. "

Musumeci:" South not only a reservoir of votes "

Among the first to intervene on stage the governor of Sicily Nello Musumeci: "I am really proud to be here, please as well as for the d and I do not feel embarrbaded ", given that" the League is one of the founding members of the center, was among the first parties to support my candidacy for the presidency of the Sicilian Region ". "I am happy to have the League in Sicily in the coalition that supports me", with the hope that "the South will be redeemed and not just considered a tank of votes".

The Question Brings

On the issue of ports, Salvini clarified how the one expressed by Fico is a personal opinion: "I respect the opinions of everyone, then there is a government and a minister who does The ports are and will remain closed, "he said, reiterating his position on the statements of the Speaker of the House, who spoke earlier yesterday in favor of opening the ports to NGOs. "With the ministers who have the delegation, Toninelli and Di Maio, we are in perfect harmony – insisted the head of the League -, everyone is free to express his point of view but the Italian ports are closed to traffickers. "Human beings". The results of the European Council on Migrants, for Italy, are "a first step" because "the Italian proposals were finally discussed: we are halfway to work, they understood that we can say no, and if we need it we say. "The goal is that Europe protects the external border with Frontex," it's not common and half-happy to redistribute migrants. " from the Public Administration, Giulia Bongiorno, praised: "Salvini made us understand by a truth operation that ships could be stopped."

Spadafora and Homobaduals "Personal Opinions" [19659003] The same goes for the Vincenzo Spadafora grill: "He speaks in his own name" and the theme of LGBT rights "is not in the government contract", he said to take the place of the under -secretary to the responsibility for equal opportunities that yesterday to the Pride of Pompeii, had explained how to "not go back". "Personal opinions are welcome, but the government is something else," said the deputy prime minister. On the matter, the Minister of the family, Lorenzo Fontana, intervened from the stadium: "In the government, we have" tried to make a little sense. We are proud to have said that a child has the right to have a mother and a father. "

Calderoli: "People want to see the facts"

"I am convinced that the sense of responsibility shown by the League from the beginning, when there were difficulties in starting the presidency of the House and Senate, government, were the reasons that led to the increase of consent, but it is the maintenance of the commitments made in the contract with the M5 who can bring maintain this consent. People want to see the facts, "said Senate Vice President Roberto Calderoli, among the first major leagues to arrive at the party's annual meeting. "Autonomy right away. We have no more excuses, autonomy now or never ", was the answer of the" doge ", the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia.

The fair

A series of white gazebos, one for each Italian region, crowns the "pratone" on the other side of the fairground scene where stand out two slogans on a blue background: "Good sense to the government" and "Italians d & # 39; Hundreds of fans had already met last night, many with campers and tents to spend the night Among the gadgets on sale, the blue t-shirts of young leagues with a picture of the secretary Matteo Salvini and the words: "The pacchia is without limit." And on the hill, there was also a banner "Secession".

1 July 2018 (edit 1 July 2018 | 13:26)


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