Lega, the Supreme Court on money to confiscate after sentencing Bossi: "Seize money anywhere"


The cbadation, on April 12, had allowed the appeal of the Genoa prosecutor ordering the Court of Revision to express again on the money of the League. An important decision because it concerns the 48 million 969 thousand euros for which the Court of Genoa, condemning 24 September 2017 the former number Umberto Bossi, the treasurer Francesco Belsito and the three other defendants, he ordered his confiscation. The supreme judges have filed the motives for this verdict, written by Judge Giovanna Verga, arguing that it must be seized to reach 49 million of any amount "wherever it is" referred to the Northern League on the accounts banking, booklets, deposits. The review will now have to establish a new provision taking into account the guidance of the stoats.

In the opinion of the highest magistrates, the Guardia di Finanza can block the Lega accounts under the seizure decree issued on 4 September. Office of the Prosecutor of Genoa, no need for a new provision for all the sums found on the accounts in the moments after the decree . On the contrary, according to Giovanni Ponti, Lega's lawyer, the only sums that can be seized are those appearing on the accounts "at the time of the execution of the seizure" with "consequential inadmissibility of the prosecutor's requests to continue the seizure of sums registered ".

According to the defense of the League, the prosecutor could not request the confiscation of "even future sums" until during the appeal process. But the Supreme Court objected that the money on the accounts could not be found at the time of the decree "for a transient or reversible impossibility" and the prosecutor did not have to account for all the investigations carried out "otherwise the precautionary function of seizure could easily be avoided for the time necessary for their fulfillment."

"The error of law in which the Genoa Review Tribunal occurred where ermines write, in the eighth pages of the provision – stated that once the temporary and transient incapacity of the person responsible for the profit of the crime was found the prosecutor n & # 39; 39 would have no other possibility than to attack with the preventive seizure aimed at the confiscation equivalent to the property of the persons responsible for the offense being excluded the possibility to pursue in parallel and progressivemen t the execution of the preventive seizure finalized to the direct confiscation, and thus, to submit to the precautionary precaution also the sums of money that in successive moments were entered in the availability of the institution Preceptor of profit ". When the men of Fiamme Gialle executed the decree of confiscation, they found on the accounts and deposits of Carroccio a little more than a million and 651 thousand euros and asked the court to decide if the The execution of the decree should only concern the amounts on the accounts at the time of the notification and the execution or even the sums deposited later.

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