Legionella alert, three people died in Milanese


The Public Prosecutor's Office opens an investigation against strangers and without crime, but excludes urgency. The last victim is an 84-year-old woman. Four new cases of infection, 21 in all patients

In addition to the twenty already affected (three of whom died), four other people were infected with the bacteria. Patients, the entire area between Bresso, Cormano and Cusano Milanino, were hospitalized between the Cinisello Bbadini and the Milan Niguarda

An investigation is opened, but not urgent – The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office will open an investigation, currently indicted to unknown persons and without badumption of crime, on the case. Deputy Prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano, however, wanted to clarify that "it is not an emergency, even if clearly on the fact that she cyclically resumes in Bresso we will carry out checks."

The city of Bresso to deal with the emergency called a working group to coordinate information interventions and meetings with the population. Meanwhile, for condominiums, the water system sanitation is expected

Bresso is not the first time that an epidemic of Legionella has exploded: in 2014, a similar situation occurred. Then the cases of contagion were six of which a mortal one. The epidemic has, however, developed over a period of several months, whereas now the phenomenon has exploded in a few days. The first cases were reported to the Ats about a week ago. An investigation was also initiated three years ago, which was subsequently closed.

Sampling in the homes of the infected – Environmental sampling was activated in all the homes of 20 people who contracted Legionella bacteria in Bresso. This was announced by the Lombardy Wellness Council Giulio Gallera, indicating that the samples taken also concern "other sensitive areas".

Two positive water samples – Two samples of water, one taken from the home of an infected person and another in a public fountain in Bresso, were positive for Legionella. This was announced by the director of the ATC Prevention Department of Milan, Giorgio Ciconali, answering the question of a citizen of Bressese at the public meeting on the urgency of legionella who had place in the municipality

in three houses, two are negative and one is positive, but we have to wait 7-10 days to get the final result, "said Ciconali addressing the citizens. quick test that says yes or no revealed that in the "fountain of the globe" there is legionella.For the moment the bacterial load is not 100% pure, but what is not pure we will know between 8-10 days, "added Ciconali

Mayor Simone Cairo said while the fountain, located in the center, between the town hall and the main church, was" closed as a precaution " from the very first days, urgency.Other positive sample, reported by the mayor, was taken at th one of the first three infected people.

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