Legitimate defense, in the Forza Italia room with the Lega. New government detention test with M5S


After the anti-corruption decree and the decree on security could be the legitimate defense the next test of succession for the yellow-green majority, with the League decided to further reduce the punishment of those who defend themselves from aggression , and the Movement insists on proportionality to avoid any "drift" from the far west.

Approved by the Senate on October 24, also with the votes of the Fiats and the Italian Brothers, the text still recognizes the legitimate defense. Accomplice, therefore, the agreement on the imposition decree (and the majority of the peace on the case of the hand and amnesty for capital abroad) the dissent of the Cinquestelle was returned, and the 7 corrective amendments withdrawn. In the House, however, something could come up again. It is not a coincidence that even before the summer the proposal, signed by the blue Zanettin, was not provided in the Justice Commission chaired by Giulia Sarti, thus allowing the Senate to discuss of the question in the first place, in a Commission chaired by the Lega not the M5. Above all, on two successive measures, the Ddl sweeps the corruption dear to the M5 and security Dl dear to the League, the holding of the majority was put to the test of leaks, mutual suspicions and hidden disagreements.

It is in this climate that he is now being referred to the House. "In January, there will be the new law on self-defense," says Matteo Salvini since yesterday. The Justice Commission will start debating it from next Wednesday, but the House will barely vote for the text before January (a first between the Finance Law and the Tax Decree), and a third pbadage in the Senate can not be ruled out. . The changes could come from the M5: we have to "do a lot for the proportionality between defense and offensive, it is not only if we enter independently of the firing," explains the group leader Francesco D & # 39; Uva. It is necessary "to find the right balance and to conduct a scrupulous discussion to avoid drifts". But for the League of Nations, the path drawn in the Senate should be indicated in a specific direction: that, to say it with Giulia Bongiorno, a "clear law to protect the aggressor and not the aggressor", because the principle "is wrong entering the house of others". In short, Salvini insists, "the legitimate defense will always be a right day and night: we will cancel the crime of legitimate over-defense". Forza Italy will always lend a hand to the League: in the Justice Committee, the blue deputy Zanettin will be one of the two speakers and not a minority. "We want the text of the test to be clearly reversed – says Francesco Costa, head of the Fi Group at the Commission – so that the prosecution has to prove the lack of a legitimate defense and not subject the attackers to their own home. to exhausting processes ". Position perfectly aligned with this league, even less with that of the M5. "The bill – says Alessia Morani, Pd – will be a big bluff, will not produce the effect desired by Salvini, will avoid the procedures, because the intervention of the judiciary will always be inevitable. The slogan" the defense is still legitimate "will be just another lie". Above all, it could become another nerve discovered in the delicate Lega-M5 balance.

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