Legitimate defense, the M5 slows down: "We need adequate assessments"


This morning, the Judiciary Committee of the Senate incardinated the draft laws on self-defense . The president of the five measures badigned to the second commission is President Andrea Ostellari (Lega). Some hearings will take place in the next few days. Tonight, groups will have to indicate the names of those to ask for an intervention on the subject. To our knowledge, a basic text will be presented by the rapporteur to start a discussion. In the future document – sources of government reports – most of the bill signed by Senator Mbadimiliano Romeo will likely be taken care of

. In addition to the Lega signed by Mbadimiliano Romeo, two more were filed by Forza Italia. Another proposal is a popular initiative, while the fifth is signed by the Brothers of Italy who have proposed a new bill already introduced in the last legislature. At present, the 5-star Movement has not introduced its own bill. And his position is at least ambiguous.

"Given the delicacy of the subject, the complexity and impact at the social level, an in-depth badysis of existing rules, carefully presented texts and firm references in case law are needed." is a must for the 5-star Movement, to make the law truly effective but in the safety of citizens.Our work will be scrupulous, summary and reasoned in the wake of constitutional guarantees, without moving on the emotional wave, "said Senator M5s of the Justice Commission Francesco Urraro

It is not excluded that the intervention of the government in self-defense "eliminates the shady areas" of the current legislation in the matter. Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede, responding to Question Time in the House, said that "we will see" if a provision for the revision of the issue "will take place through projects of parliamentary origin or government legislative initiatives, as conceived by this majority, may lead to the liberalization of arms in Italy, whose detention and wearing are governed by strict regulations on which the government does not consider it necessary to intervene, because these are laws that represent, however, instruments, "said the minister.

Forza Italia immediately made his voice heard." The announcement of "deepening" of the reform of the Self-defense, which we prefer to call "right to defense", looks like an insult to the program voted by the overwhelming majority of Italians in the last elections, that of the center-right. slowdown, "threw Mara Carfagna, deputy speaker of the House and deputy for Forza Italia." Forza Italia will keep asking for immediate follow-up of the election campaign. "The text presented by our party is extremely thorough, has been carefully evaluated and remains the most balanced, it is conceivable that the law will put thieves and victims at the same level, and it is time for this principle to be ratified by the Parliament ".

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