Lia Partisan Headstone in Milan – Latest Hour


(ANSA) – MILAN, JULY 2 – He was broken in two by himself
of unknown people for now, the plate dedicated to Gina
Galeotti Bianchi, the supporter of Lia, to whom the
Via Hermada garden in the Niguarda region.
"Gina Galeotti Bianchi – reminds the Anpi – was the first
fall of the insurrection in Milan against Nazi fascists.
Niguarda was the first district to emerge on April 24, 1945
Lia, while she was out with her partner Stellina Vecchio
to bring the order of insurgency to the supporters, he came
hit and killed by a burst of machine gun pulled from a truck
loaded with German soldiers on the run. She was pregnant and had just
refers to the old man to be happy because ours
the child will be born in a free country. "
The gesture was condemned by different political forces: beyond
that obviously dall'api, the metropolitan secretary of the Democratic Party
Milanese, Pietro Bussolati, by the deputy Dem Emanuele Fiano
by the deputy of Forza Italia Luca Squeri.


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