Sarraj: "Not agree, not even money, not our repatriations"
Libya closes its doors at the landing centers of the island. 39, EU for migrants. Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj reiterated this statement, baduring himself that there will be no agreement to take refugees, even in exchange for money, and that repatriations must be managed directly with the countries of origin.
Sarraj, in a Bild interview, clarified what has already been expressed by his government in the past. Indeed, it has been even more difficult with Europeans, who rely instead on the establishment of landing centers in transit countries of migrants, such as Libya, to identify illegal people to be repatriated. The Prime Minister of Tripoli said "very surprised that no one wants to welcome migrants, but they are asking us" to take hundreds of thousands of them. Especially since "the majority of refugees leaving Libya are not Libyans". The repatriations will therefore have to be managed with the countries of origin, by "putting pressure" on the capitals of the southern border with Libya. Sarraj also raised the issue of NGOs, to whom the EU asked not to interfere with the Libyan sea rescue activities: "Many refugees know that these boats exist" and thanks to them "can safely complete their trip to Europe "
The number of arrivals in Europe dropped dramatically last year, but despite this, the authorities in Tripoli warned that the activities of criminal gangs" flourish "and that "thousands of people want to leave now". But the Europeans "have so far made empty promises," threw Sarraj, calling among other things for better training of the Libyan Coast Guard and technical support such as satellites and electronic border monitoring systems. The complete stabilization of the country was also decisive. "Security gaps and current political and economic instability provide criminal organizations with many opportunities for human trafficking." And, among other things, they do not discourage human rights violations, admitted Mr. Sarraj, who has asked for help from Europe and the international community to "improve the rights of the people. refugee camps ".
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