Libya, disturbing actions of Open Arms – Europe


(ANSA) – CAIRO, 1 JULY – The Libyan Coast Guard
his own Facebook page, denouncing a disturbing episode
they say, reported a week ago
a boat from the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms.
"The organization – read the post published today – a
harbaded again one of our patrols, the ship Ras
Jedir, trying to stir up illegal migrants against the
guardacoste ", a kind of action that they would say
The fact, they report, took place on Sunday, June 24
a rescue of 490 people. A ship of the Open Proactiva
Weapons – they denounce – would send two dinghies
a disturbing action. "For this organization and theirs
counterparts – they conclude – let's say we're always trying to
patience and wisdom but that does not mean we're not
able to cope with these troubling actions. "


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