Liquid Television, Traditional Sectors and Big Data: AGCOM's Point on Communications – Economics and Finance


(Teleborsa) – Crisis of publishing, liquid TV and boom of the ultra broadband, risks of big data. These are some of the aspects that emerged from the photography of the president of AGCOM, Angelo Marcello Cardani, in the Report to Parliament

In general in 2017 the revenues of the communications sector % of national GDP – stood at 54.2 billion euros, registering a growth of 1.2% compared to the previous year.
The largest share comes from fixed and mobile telecommunications (32.2 billion euros, + 0.9%). Almost 45% of Italian users' spending on telephony services, both on fixed and mobile networks, ended up in the funds of TIM whose market share increased by 1 point. I media reports a decline of 0.9% to 14.6 billion euros, the postal sector a jump of 6.6% to 7.4 billion [19659004] In detail, in the sector of the television there was a recorded decline of the revenues only for free television (-3,5%) – although Cardani spoke of "Significant sealing signals in terms of resources and rankings, with 25 million average contacts in prime time" – while "liquid" TV or streaming, has about 3 million citizens watch Internet content . A number three times higher, in addition, he regularly downloads TV content on his own devices.

Merit of ultra-broadband which doubled the access from 2.3 to 4.5 million thanks to its "growing demand for online video content on the lines fixed ". The growth of data consumption by mobile phone users is even more important (+ 48%)

As for the television sector the Communications Regulatory Authority notes that remains very Concentrated with the first three operators holding in 2017 about 90% of the total resources and "not so dissimilar parts among them": in the first place stands 21st Century Fox / Sky Italy with a share of 33% (up 1 point); followed the Rai group with more than 28%, although it contracted (-1.5 point compared to 2016). Thirdly, with a weight of 28% (substantially unchanged), the group Fininvest / Mediaset .

The publishing sector is still in red, with a -5.2% business turnover at 3.6 billion euros, weighted mainly by the newspapers (-8.9%). "The sector has lost about half of its economic weight in the last decade," says Cardani, convinced that the problem is "Government and Parliament" and requires "a lot of thought".

Better radio which, despite substantially stable revenues, confirms some signs of recovery

Two-speed postal services : those traditional recorded a drop in turnover in 12, 6% while those of express mail showed a jump of 11.7% to 4.5 billion euros

Agcom went on to pointed out that global advertising investments seem to be increasingly redirected from traditional media to online platforms, which are growing by more than 12%. Google and Facebook the main beneficiaries of this trend

There was no alarm Big Data c & # The huge amount of data circulating on the Internet: according to Cardani, they have many "risks" and need "solutions". Among the first, the president added the existence of an "ecosystem governed by some large multinationals" and the possible "alteration of the global information ecosystem." The solutions are articulated around three axes: market discipline, neutrality and transparency of the algorithms, ownership of the data.

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