"Long live fascism", blitz in the circle Pd – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, 01 JULY – Digos investigations are under way
to get back to those responsible for the blitz that took place the night before
Pd circle from Via Giuseppe Chiovenda to Rome. How many?
rebuilt, around 1:30 two boys and two girls have
paint the exterior wall and the door with spray paint
of entry with writings such as "Viva il fascismo" accompanied by
swastikas, Celtic cross and fasces. To notice
some young people who were inside and who were there
they would have invited to leave. In response, the four,
declaring themselves fascist, they threatened them. During the blitz
they also tore the flags in front of the headquarters of
Refoundation and power to people in the same building. Authors
they then escaped. "Last night, in fact, we immediately
the umpteenth violent and insignificant act by the fascists of
Forza Nuova! ", Denounces the young dem of the region on Fb.
condemnation of Orfini and Morbadut.


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