Lopez Obrador new president of Mexico. Here is the populist of the anti-Trump Left


Mexico wants a "relationship of friendship and cooperation" with the United States. These are the first statements addressed to the neighboring country by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who won the presidential elections with at least 53% of the votes. The leader of the Mexican populist left benefited, among other things, from his harsh criticism of Donald Trump's "wall" on the border between the two countries. And Trump congratulated Obrador, saying he was ready to work with the Mexican leftist candidate. "There is a lot to do for the United States and Mexico," said Trump, whose anti-immigration policies have significantly tightened bilateral relations. Lopez Obrador said that he was ready to pursue a policy of "friendship and cooperation" with the United States

LEFT AND POPULIST – Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, mighty former mayor Mexico, clbad 1953, and exhibitor of the "Movement for National Regeneration" (Morena), left and populist, ed was supported, in the recent presidential elections that saw it triumph, the coalition "Together, we Let's Make History "(" Juntos haremos historia ") formed by the Labor Party and the Social Encounter Party

BLOOD ON ELECTIONS – The Vote Which Leaves Mexico From Obrador was the bloodiest in the history of the North American country: 133 victims, a bloodbath caused by the criminal fragmentation caused by the fight against the big signs of drug trafficking. In addition to continuing the latter, without leaving the monopoly of violence to emerging criminal groups, Obrador will face rampant corruption, implement a necessary reform of the judicial system and ensure the complex management of public order, solve the problems related to the reform of naphtha, countered by Washington. All the themes that dominated the election campaign of the main candidates, with the new president who promised to implement the "fourth transformation of the country: peaceful, orderly, deep and radical, to put an end to the old regime authoritarian and corrupt ".

THE TRUMP EFFECT – The scenario was followed with concern from across the border by the US administration. The former US ambbadador to Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, in charge until a few weeks ago, told the New Yorker that "some US officials are very pessimistic: if he wins, the worst happens." ". Part of the growing popularity of "AMLO" (acronym for name) is attributed specifically to Donald Trump, who with Mexico opted for a hard blow on immigration, implementing a "zero tolerance" policy – because of hundreds of separated children forcing their families to the border – and announcing the possible construction of a wall. Tariffs on steel and aluminum imports have also arrived in recent months. A year and a half of Trump at the White House gave Lopez Obrador and the more radical Mexican left extra points, opening the way for the Mexican colony of a very hostile government in the United States.

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