Luiss, young entrepreneurs go to the family business school


It takes pbadion, more than a sense of duty to make future leaders of family businesses. But also a lot of curiosity. And the awareness of writing an important page in the country's industrial history, since in Italy, 45% of family businesses are about to cope with the generational change and that 85% of national production is discussed.

The direction of transformation underway and the entrepreneurial leadership needed to meet the challenge of time, between the digital revolution and geopolitical scenarios, were central to the "Family Business Management" course. ] Luiss Business School directed by Fabio Corsico, who celebrated as part of Villa Blanc the first "graduation" for the 23 participants. And there is also the descendant of a family of entrepreneurs for five generations, heirs of fashion houses, scions of food and the furniture industry among those who, from February to July, have heard of strategic solutions to balance management objectives and shareholders. "The first experience has worked and next year the course will be further enriched," said Corsico, who also anticipates the inclusion of two "modules" in Paris. Highlighting the importance of certain ingredients during the closing ceremony Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo's board of directors and the advisory board of the Business Business Management project of the Business School , and Lorenzo Pellicioli, CEO of De Agostini and President of DeA Capital. The advantages of a family business? "The family is a strong point even in the storm," answered Gros-Pietro questioned by Corsico during the round table. "In this case, everyone tries to save the ship, whereas where the family is not there, they usually wonder if they are on the right boat and are looking around." But there is even more for Pellicioli: "Having a stable participation is a great advantage and it is usually found in this type of society". This is a golden "heritage" for Italy. "Our fathers and grandparents taught us that in difficult times, the family is compact and present. It is the whole family serving the business and not the family service company. Other than amoral capitalism, "says Confindustria President Vincenzo Boccia, who also recalls the role of Italy" which remains the second largest manufacturer in Europe and conquers new export positions ". [19659002] "A ruling clbad is built", he adds, "this present serves to build the future." Especially because "small and medium-sized enterprises are the fabric of the country," said Luigi Abete, president of the Luiss Business School, announcing a project of Confindustria and Lbs to open family businesses to minority shareholders "These new entrepreneurs are called to face the challenges of time, they learned through a deep coaching activity by changing the processes decision-makers and willingness to take risks, "concludes Paolo Boccardelli, director of the same Luiss Business School.

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