"M5s and Lega do not last, Salvini comes back with us"


  Antonio Tajani (Ansa)

Antonio Tajani (Ansa)

"It's the government's special effects and impossible promises. But the facts? Where are the facts?

Antonio Tajani puts the M5S-Lega executive on the dock: "How much confusion . Economic policy is full of contradictions. There is no industrial policy. Close Ilva would be a madness. Block the Tav an absurd choice. Let's face it: this marriage against nature risks giving a blow to Italy still convalescing. It was in the middle of the afternoon that the President of the European Parliament left Pescara, where he spoke to the Estates General of Forza Italia. Tajani reflects aloud on the decline of risks. "A year of this government can cause irreparable damage, it can stimulate public debt, it can trigger a new wave of black work, and in the end, Italy will count less, we will lose the strength, the authority , specific gravity. "

Is a year of this government planned?
No more. This bitter season will last at most nine months. And then the League reflects, returns, is not complicit in a party that hurts the country, does not share a dangerous project.

Forza Italia still believes in the alliance with the League?
The Lega-Fi axis it can still have a strategic value. We can still take the country by the hand. We have not changed our minds. There is still a program that binds us to Salvini. But – I insist – it's up to him to back down. Go home. And this must be done in a very short time.

The Lega has now doubled its support and Fi has halved it
Matteo Renzi was also close to 40%. Now it's zero, he got off the radar, he lost the country's trust. Consent today rewards you and tomorrow punishes you. The March 4 vote told an Italy scared and determined to change at any cost. It was a moment of transition when anger and discomfort played a decisive role. But I have said by the way …

The League after the vote has increased again
The phenomenon of immigration is windy in the sails of Carroccio. And Salvini was able to overcome the fears of society and the contradictions of this too selfish Europe. But I ask you a question: Do Lega and M5 really think about solving the immigration problem by blocking three ships and showing only the most cruel face?

What solution does he have? Immigration faces a political action, a vision, projects. We must invest in Africa, we must stop the flow from there. In two days, I will be in Niger. There, a plan of investment of the Union has already given the first results: two years ago Niger went to Libya to go to Libya 300,000 desperate, this year only 10 000.

And instead of Lega and M5s?
They have no strategy. All their political action is concentrated in the short term. But there are no elections. This is not propaganda time. They all rely on effective words and one-off measures. But the covers? But the feasibility? And why do not they talk about young people? Why do not they stop to imagine solutions to the tragedy of the South? Why are they forgetting areas of the country that, more than others, would need to be helped? I have an idea. A solution With 20 billion unused European funds, you can create a leverage that can shake the South. I want to bring. I want infrastructure. I do not want income from citizenship.

Are you saying that Salvini is coming back?
Salvini does not believe in marriage with Di Maio. Do not bet on a stable alliance with M5s. I think that he knows that his house is still the center-right. He just has to come to his senses. If he does not do it he loses that heritage of consensus that he managed to put together

Racconti Salvini with two adjectives
Intelligent and unscrupulous.

And Berlusconi?
Generous, loyal. A great fighter. He has started a renewal process within Fi and I want to be close to him in this new challenge. We have to enlarge the perimeter of the party. We need the contribution of young people, civil society, Catholic movements, the voluntary sector and badociations. There is an incredible political space that has been abandoned. Now we want to take it back.

And the League?
It's different from us. Our roots are in popularity. Our values ​​are the family. Even our language is different from theirs. We are the center-right pivot. We are the point of reference for millions of small entrepreneurs.

Will the League still challenge?
The Fi will prove credible, authoritarian, rebaduring, strong. Strong and never violent. Neither in actions, nor in language. I would never have used it and I will never use Salvini's words to challenge the suffering and desperation of many migrants. I am the first to say legality, the first to understand that something in the action of some NGOs does not convince me, but piety can never be placed in parentheses. I would never have said "the pacchus is over". I would never have talked about cruising. I would never have imagined pbading the equation even of delinquent Roma. An offender is only a criminal.

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