M5S brakes self-defense, Lega: "It's a priority" – Politics


While five bills on self-defense were incardinated by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Minister Bonafede M5s retained: "No to the liberalization of arms", governed by provisions that the government does not want to change . A "thorough badysis" refers to Senator Ursaro

. Carroccio states that he has never thought of the liberalization of arms: "We do not want the Wild West". But he confirms that reform is a priority. To extinguish fires in the majority, Salvini also took the field, ensuring "total harmony with Minister Bonafede," and Premier Conte: "The government does not incite to l? use of arms. "

Therefore, the League remains a" priority "of the government. But for the M5S, it is an issue that" must be studied "and studied in depth.The examination of the law on self defense begins at the Senate Justice Committee, but registers different sensibilities in the government and collects the protest of the ANM with President Francesco Minisci who sets the law on self-defense "already well regulated." The 5 stars are more cautious on the subject because, as explained the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede and Senator Francesco Urraro, no one wants "the liberalization of arms "and deal with issues" deli cates "we need" all the details of the case ". However, supporters of the League insist and speak, as Secretary Jacopo Morrone does, of a "priority" that the government wants to see voted "short". It is true that the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini understands excluding that there are divisions within the executive on this point. And that the same Bonfade emphasizes how on the question "the government is compact". But Prime Minister Conté's statement that "the government is aware that in the jurisprudence application of self-defense have created uncertainties that must be resolved", it is clear that the timing of approval of the reform will not be so fast [19659004] COPYRIGHT © Copyright ANSA

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