"M5S fits or falls all". Government hesitates about migrants


Salvini does not intend to sign an agreement that "puts irregular immigrants, refugees and refugees in the same pot" a few days after bringing home the Security dl. It is a decree created specifically to distinguish those fleeing war and those who are in an irregular situation. To deny would be ridiculous. This is why, after a few hours of hesitation, the total stop of the signing of the international agreement on the "right to migrate" has come from the Lega (Global Compact).

The news has obviously exalted the Brothers of Italy to whom, for the truth, we must recognize that we have highlighted a theme that has long been on track. Perhaps there was a reason for that: the Global Compact has fighters and league fighters. And since the government has many peers, it's best to avoid throwing more fuel on the fire. The meeting in Marrakech, however, is approaching (it is scheduled for December 10 and 11) and at the end Salvini he could not claim anything. He first collected the yes to his decree (also from the Grillina minority), then sent his parliamentarians to bomb the UN agreement and finally put a stone (tomb) in it.

Only that the grillini raise the nose. Giuseppe Conte at the General Assembly of theUN he had ensured Italy's signature at the foot of the pact and Minister Moavero had reiterated it in Parliament. Ideas have changed? No, Lega pressures. Finally, the Prime Minister came out of the corner saying that "being a document with political value, we agreed that it may be right to create a parliamentary pbadage". So, the government will not go to Marrakech, then Camera and the Senate will decide what to do. The vote on FdI's motion was scheduled for December 22, which would bury the agreement. It is also likely that it slips, because before Christmas, there will be the finance law to vote and in January arrives the Milleproroghe. At the end of the referendum the vote will never come. All happy and happy? Nah.

Because the grills, especially the slingshot near Roberto Fico, press Di Maio so that it does not give (this time) to the wishes of his comrades of the League. Above all, Senator Elena Fattori, already a critic in the past. "Pretending a shared management of immigration, then deserting the places where they talk about it – he says – is at least silly, but it gets close to shame." The Salvinians became aware of the bad mood and decided to clarify things. For Carroccio, the Global Compact is "buried", otherwise the risk is a "great government crisis". The voices come from knowledgeable sources about the leagues collected fromAdnkronos and they are more than an arrow pointing to the pentastellated allies. "In Parliament, a majority opposed to Global Compact According to sources, the M5 adapt to the League or a new de facto majority was born, with center pieces and grillini voting with the Northern League, but at that time, the government would fall.

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