Macedonian arrested, he was trained as a terrorist in the province of Potenza. "Imminent danger of attack"


There was an imminent danger of attack. The Ros carabiniers arrested Agim Miftarov, a 29-year-old Macedonian who lived as a hermit in the province of Potenza. He is accused of being dragged into activities for the purposes of international terrorism.

During the searches, we found in his house drones, military clothes and a mobile phone, 900 videos of jihadist propaganda, research on self-training techniques, particularly with the use of commercial armed drones and the creation of tinkered handgun pistols, through which he was responsible for modifying weapons or acquiring training techniques, as well as establishing contacts with radicalized subjects in Syria.

"The seriousness and the actuality of the facts make the danger of the suspect's behavior more serious and more likely to commit an attack, until the action of the suspect is imminent and concrete. self-training is conducted ". This is what the investigating judge, Anna Maria Gavoni, wrote in the preventive placement order against Miftarov

. In the provision, the judge adds: "there are elements that prove the granitic adherence to the ideology of the extremist Islamic terrorist organization". For the investigating judge, there are "specific body elements that attest to the existence of precautionary requirements to be imposed upon the adoption of the detention measure".

This 29 year old man was invited by the Repatriation Stay Center of Potentino. last as a result of research carabinieri in his house in the province of Viterbo

Before being driven to Potenza Miftarov lived in Tolfa, a town 90 km from Rome, almost a hermit. He worked in the woods of the region as a lumberjack and led a very reserved life: he feared to be controlled by the police. That was his phobia, so that one day, ax wounded, he would be well cared for to reach an emergency room in order to avoid the risk of being identified.

Work activity aside, Miftarov spent the rest of the day at home. Muslim Salafists boasted about 5,000 Facebook friends, to a large extent related to ISIS and the world of Islamic radicalism, and he himself often visited the sites of the Islamic world. Imam who extolled the merits of radicalization. After this search, the young man was taken to the Permanent Center for the repatriation of the Palazzo San Gervasio (PZ) pending the completion of all investigations. From today, Miftarov is in prison.

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