Macron a year after the elections: the optimism of the French disappeared


A year has pbaded and optimism has disappeared: 12 months after the pessimism, the depression and the feeling of decline magically disappeared, Emmanuel Macron was found with the French first. He tried to revive with more than an hour and a half of speech after the meeting of deputies and senators at the Congress at Versailles . But the company seemed difficult. A survey Ipsos published today by Le Monde shows that the French came back pessimistic : 70% think that the country is "in decline", the percentage that is convinced that France is "full of opportunities and new possibilities" fell in one year from 53 to 44%

Among the young (18 and 35), nearly half (46%) %) think that other systems "might work better than democracy." One after the other, Macron attempted to dismantle the accusations: that of being the "president of the rich" which came to him from the left, to expose France to the migrants who came to him from the right, that of wanting to centralize power as a monarch, which makes everyone a little bit. he wanted to emphasize that the reforms will all be made, each one in his time, and that some will remain outside: e can do everything, "he admits modestly

. a certain humility: "I know that I can not succeed everything and I know that I will not succeed at all," he said, " my duty and never give up and lead my battle tirelessly All the presidents know the doubt, I am no exception.If we are realistic, we practice humility.But for themselves, not for France. According to him, France should pursue only one ideology, " that of greatness .And someone will have to get used to it." But France who wants to build is a France that still does not see: "I have not forgotten anything of the fears and rage accumulated for years … do not disappear in a day, they have not disappeared in one year" .

transformation "Already begun this year, you see in the country", even if the great ambition is another one: "We must build the welfare state of the twenty-first century: an emancipatory, universal, effective state of providence and empowering ", a" new social contract ". It is true that "everyone must be defended", but everyone "must have a role" in society. From this point of view, the announcement was made that the "Poverty Plan " expected will be ready in autumn and put in place in 2019: "There is a France inequalities, not those grew up in the country. "

The mission is not" to help people realize their income. " to live better in the conditions in which she was born and destined to stay, but to get out of it. " Will he succeed in the "president of the rich ?" "I do not like caste, nor income, nor privilege. But if you want to divide a cake, the first condition is that there is a cake. "There was room for his vision of Europe " the border is now between progressives and nationalists " and migrants, "a theme that can not be solved with emotions, which create confusion, with the closure or nationalist retreat": "never", he concludes, "France will accept easy solutions that propose One, organize deportations, across Europe, to go and put in this or that field, at its borders or inside or elsewhere, foreigners not admitted to France

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