Macron breaks the silence on the Benalla affair: "Unacceptable Facts"


The French President Emmanuel Macron comes out of the silence on the case of Alexandre Benalla his collaborator investigated for the violence of May 1st in Paris

D 'after this which emerges from " Elisha the head of state declared that" there can be no impunity "for those who consider" unacceptable facts. "" Nobody is above the law, "he added on the eve of the opening of the parliamentary inquiry on the affair that shakes France

Macron recognizes the existence of "dysfunctions" at the Elysee Palace and asks the Secretary General of the Presidency Alexis Kohler, to make proposals for internal reorganization because what happened is not repeated, said the same source quoted by the French media

The President received the prime minister Edouard Philippe Sunday evening, in a committee Interior Minister Gerard Collomb (who will now have to answer questions from Senators in Parliament), but also spokesman Benjamin Griveaux and leader of the majority party En Marche! Christophe Castaner [19659002] After a four-day silence, Macron also tells his family that He will speak directly to the French when he deems it useful. So, a message of confidence in the justice inquiry and the demand that the Benalla case does not block the work on constitutional reform in Parliament as it has happened in recent days.

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