Macron in crisis due to scandal of his bodyguard, postponed constitutional reform


Can judicial events and the resulting political scandal Alexandre Benalla security chief of French President Macron jeopardize constitutional reform in France? It seems, the man's scandal of the president's staff – not only bodyguard but unofficial adviser to the president, we are now learning – that May 1 at a demonstration in Paris he beat two protesters among whom a girl greatly transcended the personal problem: after days of paralysis in parliament, the important draft constitutional reform that was to be held in recent days has been postponed. We will talk about it after the summer, said Christophe Castaner, Minister of Relations with Parliament and delegate general of the majority party En Marche!, At the conference of group leaders in Paris

Macron who decided to cancel the visit expected the day after tomorrow to the Tour de France, also evoked by its minister of the interior who declares that the head of state became aware of the accusations in Benalla, which helps critics who accuse the head of state of being deaf to the opinions and feelings of ordinary people. Addressing Senators of the Benalla Inquiry Commission, Interior Minister Grard Collomb stated that it is only by returning at the ministry, in the afternoon of May 2, that my boss informed me of the cabinet of the existence of a video and the involvement of Alexander
Benalla. I then informed the cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic. Later, my law firm was informed of a penalty for Mr. Benalla. Since it does not depend on my hierarchy, I have not dealt with this issue.

Collomb has indeed discharged the responsibility of Macron. Deciding on sanctions was for the Macron cabinet and the police headquarters, said the owner of Place Beauvau. Which prefecture takes its distance. In the afternoon at the National Assembly took place the hearing of the prefect of Paris, Michel Delpuech, he also discharged responsibility on the Elysee, even if indirectly, on Macron .

The head of state for his part expressed privately the hope that the Benalla affair, on which justice and two parliamentary inquiry commissions are currently investigating would not undermine the pace of reform, including constitutional reform. Now the decision to postpone everything after the summer. Since the end of last week, parliament monopolized by the Benalla affair with the interventions of all opposition forces demanding explanations at the highest levels of the state .

Alexandre Benalla in a few dates #AFP

Agence France-Presse (afpfr)

at these times that the story of the collaborator Macron framed by a video in which appears wrapped in a police helmet only makes it worse. The man, who already had a history of violence in 2015, was in fact in the order sacked by Macron himself, subjected to detention by the police (extended 12 hours ), forced to cancel his marriage.

Macron breaks the silence on Benalla, unacceptable facts

His position is aggravated also because he did not act alone: ​​three police officers, already suspended Thursday, were detained today. in Paris as part of the Benalla investigation. According to reports Le Monde the three are accused of having delivered to Benalla the images of the security cameras which took it again during the beatings. The three are accused of subtracting images from a video security system and violating professional secrecy. It is the Auditor General Laurent Simonin, the Commissioner Maxence Creusat and another official whose name has not been disclosed.

Shocking video, Macron contributor beats Protestant

Attacks Marine Le Pen: It seems clear that faced with the gravity of the facts, President Emmanuel Macron should be explained, explains the leader of National Rally . Denouncing a state scandal, Le Pen asks for clarification on the conditions under which these acts were made possible, such as, why, and by whom they were covered.

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