Mafia crime in Turin, the killer confesses after 31 years: "Bad person"


The police resolved a cold case in 1987: Roberto Rizzi was killed for an exchange of person at the bar "The Three Musketeers" by a man linked to the Belfiore clan

TORINO He is guilty after 31 years of the murder of Roberto Rizzi, personally killed for an exchange on 20 May 1987 in Turin, at the bar "I tre muschettieri" of Via Pollenzo. The former collaborator of the judge Vincenzo Pavia, related to the Belfiore family, nicknamed in the circles of the 'ndrangheta, confessed the crime to the police. The crime was committed by Saverio Saffiotti, also linked to Belfiore, and the victim was to be Francesco Di Gennaro, nicknamed "the red," but Pavia was a fake person.

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