Mafia, Ros Blitz against the crown Sacred United: 33 arrests


Blitz of the Ros against the clans of Lecce of the sacred crown: 33 arrests that the carabineers carry out in the province of Lecce against members of two criminal groups federated with the clan "Tornese" of Monteroni. In the pre-trial order issued by the investigating judge at the request of the local prosecutor of Lecce, allegations of mafia badociation, drug trafficking, extortion, drug abuse, imprisonment and carrying illegal weapons and other crimes aggravated by the mafia are disputed.

The restrictive measure, according to the Ros Army, stems from an investigative activity that has rebuilt the organizational structure of the Salentine fringe of the Sacra Corona United, drug trafficking activities and tries to infiltrate the clans in some economic sectors of the coast of Gallipoli, in particular the fish and the security service in public places.

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