Majority divided – Self-defense, the League accelerates, the Five Stars "hinder": no to release weapons | Italy


  Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, outside the Senate

Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, outside the Senate

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Rome – The Battle of Carroccio began in the Senate to change Article 52 of the Penal Code. And while five laws on self-defense were incardinated in Commission Justice in Palazzo Madama, Minister Bonafede intervened to explain that no reform "can lead to the liberalization of arms" governed by provisions that the government does not want to change, while Senator M5 Francesco Urraro speaks of the need for a thorough badysis.

For Carfagna (Fi) braking is a slap to the voters: "The announcement of" deepening "on the reform of self-defense, which we prefer to call "Right to defense" sounds like an insult to the program voted by the overwhelming majority of Italians in the last elections, that of the center-right. The League should not tolerate this slowdown .

The Lega, however, states that in the proposal there is no liberalization of arms: "No one absolutely wants to liberalize arms. Nobody wants the justice of the Wild West or the DIY And Salvini says: "I am in perfect harmony with Minister Bonafede, and indeed I support his battle, which is a historic battle of the League to serve the sentences in their countries to foreign prisoners. I am pleased that the law has begun its process, which has nothing to do with the desire to arm anyone other than the right to self-defense in his own house . The American model is the last one I have in mind. "

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