Malpensa, after decline now worry about growth and politics


  Malpensa Political Growth

Until recently, the decline of Malpensa was one of the concerns of the region. With the dismantling of Alitalia, the airport was engaged in a very dangerous slope that, in fact, generated strong social, economic and social fears. All there, or almost at the bedside of the moor to recite the De Profundis. The situation has now changed. The growth of traffic and pbadengers, almost exponential even if, in some respects, predictable, reverses concerns, aimed at limiting or at least managing a development that could be unsustainable for the territory.
management company, although controlled by the public (the reference shareholder is the municipality of Milan), the reasons and movements with the logic of the company, rightly the profits, which are not exclusively financial. After a period of objective difficulty, he seeks and obtains the most signs, which do not always coincide with the needs of those who live around or near the runways where planes land and take off.
The reason behind the bench is how to interpret and govern projects for further development: in the short period of a few years, would generate large numbers, up to 30 thousand pbadengers in twelve months, with movements for the cargo area among the first in Europe.
Deduced to badume that the territory will again have to bear the environmental impact and all the induced effects, not only positive ones. The policy must intervene here. But politics does not always have clear ideas and, to put it in other words, it is sometimes conditioned by electoral opportunities and interests. It happened with Alitalia, when he gradually abandoned the moor and that the policy looked elsewhere, on the contrary, it supported it according to the claims Romano-Roman. And it does not seem clear now that the market, that is the demand for air transport to the North, has given a new force to Malpensa. There are those who stand against them, interpose posts, try to put the beak in a disjointed way, without a precise plan of intervention and agreement. In this, the exhibitors of the Five Stars seem unbeatable: in recent weeks, they have become the protagonists of a series of questionable positions or, if not quite questionable, which they discuss.
Pentastellates are now in government, they should act in harmony with their partners in the Northern League. But they do it by themselves. An example? The hypothetical railway link between Gallarate and T2. They said they were against, when it turns out that the league is rather supportive. At least until proven otherwise. A sustainable development of Malpensa, on the other hand, requires a unity of purpose, in order to direct future choices, even to impose limits on them or even to impose them. But with the knowledge of the cause, listen, badyze, propose. This should be the task of government officials, this and not others, perhaps to get a quote in the newspapers or to satisfy pressure groups. Otherwise the risk is that Malpensa grow up without taking into account everyone, but all, the aspects, themes and expectations of the territory. And that would not be acceptable.

Political growth of Malpensa – MALPENSA24

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