Malta, Prime Minister Muscat clarified: "No evidence that you log company mentioned in Panama Papers to his family"


There is no evidence linking the company Egrant from Panama Papers to the family of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and some falsified signatures . The investigation of the Maltese judiciary opened on the basis of the revelations of the murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galicia cleared Muscat, his wife and all the people of his entourage. This was announced by the public prosecutor's office by issuing a statement with the findings of the investigation, which lasted 15 months and conducted by magistrate Aaron Bugeja .

The investigation showed that there is no evidence of corruption against the Muscat and their entourage – the chief of staff Keith Schembri the Minister Konrad Mizzi and the former European Commissioner John Dalli – and that the whole charge is based on falsified documents or on manipulated information in particular, concerning documents belonging to the company and the payment of $ 1,017 million Azerbaijan on account of the Egrant to Dubai .

The investigation was opened at the request of the same prime minister after the revelations of Caruana Galicia on the basis of documents that emerged between Panama papers. The journalist, who had spoken with the former head of Pilatus Bank the Russian Maria Efimova had claimed that the documents proved that the building of the Egrant belonged to the Muscat woman.

The magistrate also concluded that the testimonies including that of the same Caruana Galicia heard a few months before his death, are "totally contradictory" and that the wife's signatures of Muscat – badyzed by the British Independent Society Forensic Document Analysts Keyforensic Services Ltd – found to be falsified

The survey obtained information from Panama of ] United States United Arab Emirates of Germany United States and employed a long series of independent consultants for badysis and technical charges and legal evidence of what now appears to be a false record built at the table

"None of the charges against my wife, me, my family or people close to us is revealed "and was the result of" a slander the biggest lie in the country's political history, which not only was confirmed as such but even certified, "reacted Muscat who also calls for the resignation of the former leader of the opposition Simon Busuttil . The man, current head of the shadow cabinet, relaunched and supported the accusations of the blogger

Now also Adrian Delia – current leader of the nationalist party, which is in opposition – announced that he had immediately dismissed Busuttil and publicly invoked the autosuspension of the party's parliamentary group: "We are waiting for Busuttil to resign from parliament – reports Times of Malta – because is not worthy of representing the people ". On his Facebook profile, Busuttil rejected Muscat's request by saying, "What was the Prime Minister waiting for? That the opposition remained good when accusations of this kind emerged? "

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