Maneuver, Count: "A strong spread is a problem. Lower all the tones – Politics


If the Italian response to the rejection of the maneuver by the EU is that the measures do not change, this raises some concerns, but the problem has spread to the Italian government. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in an interview with "Press" and "Repubblica" stresses that "surely if the spread goes up, or if it still remains high at this point, it's a problemSo, we must hope that it goes down. Let's drop all the tones. We create a system for this to happen. I work because the spread is reduced. We want and we must send a message of trust. "

"I am convinced that in the coming weeks the spread will start to fall because it will be the weeks of dialogue with the EU, "said Luigi Di Maio in answering a question about the maneuver that, he said, will be effective because" she has the intention to invest in the human capital of this country ".

Opening today for the BTP / Bund spread which marks 318 points against 320 yesterday at closing. The 10-year yield is 3.57%.

Yesterday, the Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria, also pointed out that at 320 points "It's a level we can not consider keeping too long", but stressed, on the other hand, that "there is no fundamental reason" that justifies these levels: "The fundamentals of Italy are solid"The problem" is political uncertainty about the government's position. "As for the euro, it repeats that no one disputes it.

And still in the badumption that the gap rises and exceeds 400 yesterday, Di Maio stressed: "We move forward with the maneuver, the story is not written with the self".


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