Maneuver, the government clears things up. Di Maio: "The Christmas decree"


The most important measures concerning the budget law, the income from citizenship and the introduction of the quota 100 on pensions will be made in time, but will be merged into a decree that will be approved by the Council of Ministers "at Christmas or little after". That's what Luigi Di Maio announced, explaining that resources for both measures are available and have been budgeted for maneuvers. "There is money, there is fat," said Deputy Prime Minister pentastellato. The same concept was also reiterated by Giuseppe Conte at a press conference in Tunis. While earlier in Rome, the agencies had issued a statement from the Deputy Secretary of the League to the Presidency of the Council, Giancarlo Giorgetti, who was referring to the "perplexities" of Matteo Salvini's party on the income of the citizenship. Giorgetti explained that poverty was "not complicated during implementation". "If you manage to create jobs, that's fine, otherwise it will remain an end in itself," added the MP for Salvini, but Giorgetti's statement was reduced by Lega circles, saying that it had been a little decontextualized in its diffusion to the agencies by the communication staff of Bruno Vespa, and in any case, not agreed in time. In any case, underlining the sources of the League government, there is no intention to go to conflict over a provision or otherwise block a measure that is contained in the government contract.

When asked about this in Tunis, Conté seemed very relaxed in saying that he understood Giorgetti's observations. "This reform will begin.We know that it is a reform that must be done with great care: that is why it has not been inserted now, we want to do it. good and with all the details, "he said. The Prime Minister seemed more annoyed by the reconstructions of printouts concerning the estimates of income coverage for citizenship. "I do not go into the bottom of the numbers, there is freedom of the press," he said in answering a question about the calculations made by the Corriere della will be. "What matters is what the government writes: we have made badessments, we do the numbers, we have the ISTAT data, we decide the audience who decides: the other figures do not matter". "There are resources to finance the revenues that we both want to finance the reform of the Fornero law," he said. To those who asked him if the league event of December 8, the title Italians first in an anti-European key, he was not likely to complicate his attempt to continue the "profitable and constant" dialogue with the EU on the maneuver, Conté then replied: "I would like to personally illustrate the content of the maneuver and explain what is the fruit, but for heaven's sake, if there are political leaders who organize political demonstrations, this is part of the physiology of the dialectic of political debate, which can also to manifest in a living way ". "But it remains that, as President of the Council, I speak with the European institutions, I am at the table with them and I characterize the tone of the interlocution with them, with whom I have engaged a constructive dialogue, "he said. "I will certainly meet Jean-Claude Juncker in the coming weeks, I want to illustrate the content of the maneuver in person," he concluded. (video Agency Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev

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