Maneuver, without delay to the baby bonus from 2019. Fontana: "Soon an amendment" –


MILAN – The government is likely to send the baby bonus in the attic, the contribution of 960 euros provided for newborns. The measure, initially introduced in the Finance Act for 2015 and providing for a bonus for the first three years of life, was not refinanced during the last maneuver, whereas it had been reduced during the previous one, the first year only.

Fontana: "Soon an amendment"

In the day, however, the same family minister, Lorenzo Fontana, put a patch, announcing an imminent intervention: "The so-called baby bonus is in preparation for a government amendment," did he declares. "The measure required closer scrutiny of its operation and effectiveness, the result of which was decided to introduce, from the House, a government amendment to take into account and overcome some inefficiencies that appeared in the previous version."

The details of the measurement

The baby bonus was also valid for adopted children, in this case, considering the period of entry into the new family, for Italians and foreigners holding a residence permit. Even residence in Italy was a prerequisite, with the Isee indicator that should not exceed 25,000 euros. The allowance was doubled for families whose Isee was less than 7,000 euros.

The law, introduced by the Renzi government's first finance bill, strongly supported by the then Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, was valid for people born in the three-year period 2015-2017 and last year, after weeks of parliamentary struggle to find resources, was extended to people born in 2018. The allowance has still remained at 960 euros (80 euros per month) but the period has been reduced in the first year of life of the child.

The measure, as well as the 5 days of compulsory leave (and paid 100%) for the father at the birth of children, would continue next year would require regulatory intervention that, for the time being, would not not appear in the maneuver examining the Budget Committee of the Chamber. It is possible that these chapters are among the amendments that members have time to present until Thursday, November 15.

A proposal for an extension for the next three years is included in the 5-Star Tax Simplification Bill, which is currently being discussed in the House Finance Committee. The text calls for the renewal of the bonus for all born in 2021 remodeling the check in several bands, always related to Isee (1 560 euros per year with Isee between 7 and 13 000 euros and 1200 euros per year between 13 000 and 19 000 euros). For this renewed bonus, resources are planned for 377 million euros per year.

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