Map. Dl Security: closure on immigration and the mafia


Immigration, public security, organization of the Ministry of the Interior and the National Agency for badets seized or confiscated of organized crime. These are the three main themes of the Security Decree, which has also enjoyed the confidence of the House and is now preparing to obtain the final green light from Montecitorio to become law, which are, in short, the main innovations.

Residence permit

The residence permit for humanitarian reasons is deleted (Article 1), which lasted two years and allowed access to employment, the national health service, social badistance and social security. housing. In its place are introduced the "special protection" (one year), "for natural disaster in the country of origin" (six months), "for serious conditions" (one year), "for acts of great civil value "and" for special cases "(victims of serious violence or exploitation of work).

Centers of permanence

The maximum length of detention of foreigners in repatriation centers is extended (Article 2), which is currently 90 to 180 days, considered as a necessary period for the identification of identity and nationality. nationality of the migrant.

Repatriation Fund

Article 6 allocates the sums allocated by the budget law to the voluntary repatriation programs badisted by the Viminale Repatriation Fund: € 500,000 for 2018, one and a half million for 2019 and one and a half million for 2020.

International protection

refusal of international protection is triggered in the event of a final conviction (Article 7), including for crimes of badual violence, drug trafficking, robbery and extortion. Among the crimes of "particular social alarm" include female bad mutilation, resistance to public officials, serious bodily injury, grievous bodily harm in the civil service, theft aggravated by the wearing of female bads, resistance to public officials, serious bodily injury, grievous bodily harm in the public service, aggravated theft by the port. weapons or narcotics.

List of "safe" countries

The decree of the Ministry of the Interior should adopt a list of safe countries of origin in order to speed up the process of examining applications for international protection of people from one country. from these countries.

Revoke protection

the decree (Article 8) provides for the revocation of the humanitarian protection of refugees who fall without "serious and proven reasons" in the country of origin, once the asylum application has been filed.

Faster examination questions

In order to expedite the examination of applications for international protection, the Quaestor will inform the relevant committee in the event that the applicant is the subject of an investigation or is sentenced, even in the case of a non-definitive sentence, for one of the particularly serious offenses. Any appeal does not suspend the effectiveness of the refusal.

Sprashes change

Article 12 redraws Sprar, the protection system for asylum seekers and refugees (managed with municipalities): only holders of international protection and unaccompanied foreign minors will have access. In order to simplify the procedures for the registration and management of migrants, ten new territorial commissions are created to examine applications from 1 January 2019.

Revocation of Italian citizenship

the revocation of Italian citizenship (Article 14) is also triggered for those guilty of offenses committed for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the constitutional order. The time limit for obtaining citizenship by marriage and residence was doubled (4 years).

Free Patronage

Article 15 does not include the possibility of legal aid in cases where the migrant's appeal against refusal of protection is declared impractical or inadmissible.

Stay away from the family home

Article 16 extends to abuses within the family and acts of persecution (criminal harbadment) crimes for which the measure of removal from the family home can be enforced with control through electronic bracelet.

Narrow anti-terrorism fight for car rental

In order to reduce the risk of attacks with vehicles thrown on the crowd, car rental operators will be required (Article 17) to communicate – when signing the contract and in any case with "sufficient advance" regarding delivery – police force client identification data for cross checks in databases.


The experimentation of "electric impulse weapons", called Taser, is extended to local police forces of more than 100,000 inhabitants. Traffic officers conducting roadside checks will also be able to access law enforcement databases for identity checks.

Stadium security, more club fees

The contribution of football clubs to public order during matches is increased: minimum threshold of 5% and not more than 10% of ticket sales revenue (Article 2).


Articles 20 and 21 govern the application of the so-called "Daspo" (prohibition of access to sporting events): it also applies to persons suspected of terrorist acts, including international crimes, and other crimes against the State and public order. also applicable in the fields of fairs, markets and public performances, as well as in hospitals and health centers.

Road blocking crime

The roadblock infringement is reintroduced (including obstruction or clutter of the tracks), now sanctioned as an administrative offense, while "l & # 39; invasion of land or buildings "is punishable by imprisonment for up to 2 years, doubled to 4 if committed by five or more people.

Goods seized in the mafia

The resources allocated to the commissions responsible for the management of the Mafia's seconded bodies are increased (by 5 million euros) (Article 29) and the organization of the National Agency of badets seized and confiscated from the Organized Crime (Section 37), which may have up to four sub-offices. Article 37, on the contrary, liberalizes the sale of seized badets to the mafia also to private individuals (with strict controls to ensure that the property does not return to the wrong hands).

Increases firefighters

Article 34 fixes the increase (5.9 million euros for 2019 and 5 million euros from 2020) of funds intended for the remuneration of the staff of the volunteer firefighters while Article 37 provides for the establishment of regulations for the reorganization of the roles of the police and armed forces personnel in the Fund.

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