Marcello Dell & # 39; Utri left Rebibbia Prison: he is home from his son's house


Marcello Dell & # 39; Utri left this morning prison of Rebibbia after the Rome Watch Court decided to him suspend the sentence for serious health reasons. Visibly thin, with a green shirt on which sunglbades, sneakers and an envelope in hand are slid sideways. Here is how he describes the Ansa while leaving the prison, where his two sons and his driver were waiting, to go home to Capital where it will exhibit the domiciliari until September 28, date on which the hearing was set to discuss the report of expertise on the state of health of the sentenced person. The former senator of Forza Italia and Silvio Berlusconi historic hand man "appeared satisfied and moved – says his lawyer Alessandro From Federicis to LaPresse – He remains lucid even though the disease has acted physically and psychically. "

" This is certainly not the first time that a ] sentenced leaves the prison and returns home because the courts consider as bad ", while" even for lack of justice our survivors of the mbadacre via dei Georgofili have a difficult life, make daily count with the effect of 277 kilos of TNT and many diligence around us we do not not see, not even many doctors in charge, ready to understand beyond any doubt reasonable the subversive terrorist mbadacre leaves signs ind elebili ", comments in a note Giovanna Maggiani Chelli president of the Association among relatives of the victims of the mbadacre of via dei Georgofili, the attack perpetrated by Cosa Nostra on the night of 26 to 27 May 1993 : the explosion of a car bomb who caused 5 victims and 48 wounded . [19659002] "In Italy, the sense of justice is very broad when it comes to the offender and ends where the plights of victims begin ", adds Maggiani Chelli, emphasizing that "the fact remains that we have been waiting for 25 years who" climbed in the carriage "of Riina while he was running to deal with the abolition of the rules against the mafia on the skin of our children, as the certainty of punishment. " The president of the Association notes that "on May 26, at the conference on justice in memory of the mbadacre of via dei Georgofili, in Tuscany, the Judiciary spoke of" significant clues "that would lead to the investigations on Cosa Nostra's competitors in the attack, and one of suspects is just Dell 'Utri', but "It's another thing, it will eventually be another process to establish the truth ".

Dell 'Utri is detained since 2014 when he became final his sentence to seven years for external contest at Cosa Nostra . On April 20, he was sentenced to a new sentence, this time to twelve years in prison, during the State-Mafia negotiation on charges of threats against the body politic of the state. The very possibility of a new conviction had led, last February, the same Supervisory Court to refuse the release of the founder of Forza Italia . The award of competition outside Cosa Nostra however only concerns the facts committed until 1992. Until Berlusconi is not yet one of the representatives of a party political . It would have become formally only at the end of of 1993 . And in fact the sentence imposed on Dell & # 39; Utri in the negotiation process is for the facts committed in 1994. When Berlusconi is already chairman of the board. "The decision says that the former senator made a belt of transmission between the demands of Cosa Nostra and the Berlusconi government that had just taken office." The court estimates it proved "explained the prosecutor Nino Di Matteo after the conviction of the Assize Court of Palermo. Dell & # 39; Utri, in practice, is guilty of making blackmailer of Cosa Nostra: or weakened the fight against the mafia, or the octopus would continue to hit the country by tritolo . Now, however, Dell's Utri is bad. And he went home.

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