Marcello Sacchetta rejected by Maria De Filippi: the video


2Marcello Sacchetta to friends

Marcello Sacchetta is one of the undisputed protagonists of friends. The young campanian, in addition to being one of the talented professional dancers of talent show, is also a Day Time band leader. The appointment with daily updates from friends it's about Real time, thanks to which the public can know how the children's journey takes place in the school. With him Paolo Ciavarro and this year Lorella Boccia. Often present in the episode, Marcello Sacchetta in addition to dancing professionally, it is also the one who "wears the instruments" in the different recordings. In short, a very important figure for friends, beloved of the public. His path, however, has not always been downhill. It's precisely on that, actually, a few days ago Marcello has posted a video on social media who sent the adepts into ecstasy. In this video, there is one fact that may not have been remembered, that the dancer was initially rejected by the school. But let's see in detail.

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