Marchionne cerebral embolism | Disease | sarcoma


Sergio Marchionne, former Executive Director of FCA, has been in the intensive care unit of the Universitätsspital Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland since June 28th. The director underwent surgery at the shoulder, during which he was reportedly struck by cerebral embolism and then precipitated into a deep coma. His health conditions are irreversible. Cerebral embolism marchionne

This is reported in an exclusive article published by Paolo Madron, who also writes that the director had been diagnosed with sarcoma in the shoulder. Marchionne was suffering from severe shoulder pain and was taking cortisone

Marchionne's Cerebral Palsy

According to sources cited by Madron, the manager had clearly indicated the risks of the operation, considered high-risk, and the situation He was made even more complicated by his thyroid problem, which caused Marchionne to take medicine every day.

Following the operation that caused the embolism, the medical team tried to revive it but the situation worsened considerably. Marchionne is currently kept alive artificially by machines.

The former CEO of Fiat Chrsyler, who has not appeared in public since June 26, 2018, did not tell John Elkann what his real health conditions were. absence in Zurich with a routine examination. Marionne cerebral embolism

Elkann, who went immediately to Switzerland, could not see Marchionne. But, having realized the conditions of the manager, he felt that it was inevitable to appoint a new CEO (we talked about it here). Elkann also wrote a letter to the employees thanking Marchionne

The words of Elkann

"For me it was a person with whom to confront and trust, a mentor and most of all He taught us to think differently and to have the courage to change, often unconventionally, always acting with a sense of responsibility for the companies and the people who work there. " Thus the group's president, John Elkann, in the note in which the Lingotto formalized the replacement of the Italian-Canadian manager by Michael Manley.

Elkann continues on Marchionne: "He taught us that the only question that really deserves to be thought of at the end of each day is if we could change something for the better, if we were able to make a difference, and Sergio has always made the difference, wherever he worked and in the lives of so many people, and today this difference continues to make it the culture that she has made. has been introduced in all the companies that it manages and forms an integral part of it.The transitions we have just announced, even if from a personal point of view will not be without pain, allow us to guarantee to our companies the greatest possible continuity and to preserve their culture. marchionne cerebral embolism

Messages to the manager

We collected the messages of the protagonists of the policy which are tightened around the family of Marchionne: from Matteo Renzi to M reached Salvini, FCA President John Elkann at the smell of Forza Italia Maurizio Gasparri. Pain and gratitude for the protagonist manager of the Fiat revival

The official statement on the health conditions of Marchionne

"In reference to the health conditions of Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV communicates with deep sadness that During the week, unexpected complications occurred during Dr. Marchionne's postoperative recovery, which was further exacerbated in the last hours

For these reasons, Dr. Marchionne will not be able to resume his professional activity. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' administration, meeting today, expressed its closeness to Sergio Marchionne and his family, highlighting the extraordinary human and professional contribution he has made to the Company over the years.

The Council decided to speed up the transition process for the post of Director General in force for months and mmé Mike Manley General Manager

The Board will then propose at the next General Assembly, which will be convened in the next few days, that Manley be elected to the Board as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation. Meanwhile, in order to ensure full powers and continuity in business operations, Manley received board's powers to act immediately as CEO.

Manley will also badume responsibility for the Nafta area. Manley and the management team will work to implement the 2018-2022 development plan presented at Balocco on June 1, which will ensure Fiat Chrysler Automobiles an increasingly strong and independent future. "

Everything about Marchionne: life, vices, famous phrases about the manager in the sweater

" Wake up at 3:30 in the morning. My specialty is the Bolognese meat sauce. I had never been able to drink wine, I started doing it at the age of 43 with Brunello who had me structurally corrupted. "The curiosities about the manager who revolutionized the largest Italian automobile company Read the full article .

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