Marchionne, the lesson against the society of rights only: "It will kill us"


"I sometimes have the impression that in our country there is a pbadive attitude toward the present". At these words begins a speech of Sergio Marchionne whose video, a few days before the premature death, makes a quick tour of social networks. And it's a message that challenges the period of "protesters", one born of "shared" pressures but that actually turned Italy (and the Western world) into a realm of rights without rights .

former of FCA who admitted that he was neither a historian nor a sociologist but who had enough experience to observe the world, he noted that the attitude lascivious towards the present was (and is) "blowing up one of the pillars of our being together." For Marchionne, "it's as if you claim to be entitled to a better tomorrow without knowing that you must know how to win. "

The director's words, perhaps gone unnoticed when he was alive, are shaking up social networks now that he's dead.It's normal, that's all. is what we are told: this is the unconditional reflex of the Net, but nothing surprising.Or bad.It happened the same thing with the premature departure of Steve Jobs with that his " Stay hungry, stay idiot " then became a cult.Here we do not want to sanctify neither the man nor the manager: the histo He will evaluate his works. Yet Marchionne's speech – which may not contain such a resilient motto – is, however, deeper than that of his American colleague. And it's a slap to the eternal sessantottini, those who have never left this "forbidden to forbid" which – says the old advertisement – "all this is born" . Or the Woes of the West

"In a paradoxical way, great conquests bring unpredictable and unwanted implications – explained to the public the old director – And so on '68 a fully sympathetic struggle movement that allowed us to make great strides forward in social and civil conquests has unfortunately had a devastating attitude towards duty. "

It is above all young people, and those who have forgotten to grow up, the recipients of the words of the man who has changed Fiat. struck with the "hard and pure" unions of the armored boilers, he left Confindustria, he worked perhaps up to the limit of the capacities of his body. Marchionne becomes the good opposite in "an age a time when everything seems to be due: from "the right to the fixed place, to the salary guaranteed ", going through" work at home, the right to shout, the right to claim ". "Let me say – says Marchionne – that rights are sacrosanct and must be protected, but if we continue to live only rights, the rights will die because this evolution of the species creates a much weaker generation than the previous one, without the courage to fight, with the hope that someone else will do something, a kind of perverse and involutionary expectation, that 's why I think that we must return to a sense of healthy duty, to the awareness that we must also give it, commitment, value of the contribution that each can make to the construction process of today and especially of tomorrow "(cf. here the video).

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