Marchionne, Trump: "Among the brightest after Ford" – Economy


Rome, July 25, 2018 – Among the messages of condolence for the death of Sergio Marchionne there is also that of Tim Cook CEO of Apple. "We are sorry to hear the unexpected death of Sergio Marchionne, a visionary of the automotive industry and a notable leader, our thoughts are for family, friends and everyone in Fiat Chrysler": Cook writes in a tweet. Marchionne had visited Apple in 2015: the company was interested in developing technologies for autonomous cars.

Sergio Marchionne, a visionary of the automotive industry and a remarkable leader. Our thoughts are with his family, his friends and everyone at Fiat Chrysler.

– Tim Cook (@tim_cook)
July 25, 2018

Sergio Marchionne is dead, "goodbye to the magician of Fca". The news goes around the world

Later, the words of Donald Trump also come. "Marchionne was one of the most successful and successful leaders since the time of the legendary Herny Ford – tweeted mogul – It was an honor for me to meet Sergio as President of the United States. United, he loved the auto industry, and he was fighting for her, his lack will be really felt. "

Sergio Marchionne, who pbaded away today, was one of the most brilliant and successful car leaders since the time of the legendary Henry Ford. Sergio as POTUS, he liked the auto industry, and has beaten hard for that. We will really miss him!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
25 July 2018

 Sergio Marchionne and Barack Obama in 2010 (Ansa)

BLOG On the death of Sergio Marchionne – by LEO TURRINI

Sergio Marchionne dead. From the beginning to the FCA revolution: the portrait

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