Marchionne's conditions are "irreversible". Elkann: "We will be forever grateful"


The end of an era

The media reports that the old FCA pub is on a private prognosis and that its conditions will not improve. The president's pain in a letter to employees: "The most difficult that he ever wrote"


Sergio Marchionne would be admitted to the intensive care unit of the clinic "Universitatsspital" in Zurich and its conditions defined yesterday as very serious would be irreversible. These are news that are not confirmed by the company. Total confidentiality also from the health management of the clinic where Marchionne has been hospitalized since June 28 for a shoulder surgery. At his side the companion Manuela. The news also struck the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella who heard the leaders of the FCA. John Elkann is saddened to have written to the group's employees right after the appointment of Manley.

Elkann Letter to Employees
"Dear colleagues, writes Elkann, it is undoubtedly the most important. It is with deep sadness that I have to tell you that the conditions of our CEO Sergio Marchionne, recently operated, have deteriorated in the last hours and will not allow him to return to the FCA. Over the last 14 years, first at Fiat, then at Chrysler and finally at FCA, Sergio was the best CEO you could wish for and, for me, a true mentor, colleague and close friend. one of the darkest moments in the history of Fiat and it is thanks to his intelligence, his perseverance and his leadership if we managed to save the company.

Sergio made an incredible turnaround in Chrysler and, thanks to his courage to work for cultural integration between the two companies, he laid the foundation for a better and safer future for all of us. We will be forever grateful to Sergio for the results he has achieved and for making what seemed impossible. But as he himself has said repeatedly: "The true worth of a leader is not measured at what he has achieved during his career but at what he's gave. It is not measured by the results that it reaches, but by what it is able to leave behind itself. Since our first meeting, when we spoke about the possibility of taking the reins of Fiat, which really impressed me, beyond the managerial capacities and intelligences out of the ordinary, it is his human qualities. The quality I saw in the eyes, in the way of doing, in the ability to understand people. He taught us to have courage, to question the status quo, to break the mold and to go beyond what we already know. He has always pushed us to learn, to grow and to rise – often exceeding our own limits – and has always been the first to get involved.

The legacy that lets us talk about what was really important to him: the pursuit of excellence, the idea that there is always the possibility of s & # 39; improve. His teachings, the exhortation to never accept anything pbadively, not to be content with simple sufficiency are now an integral part of our culture in FCA: a culture that drives us to always raise the bar and never to be satisfied of mediocrity. Sergio's definition of the word leader is more than ever valid today. What really matters is the kind of dicultura that a leader leaves to those who follow him. The best way to judge him is through what the organization does after him. This is just one of the many examples of what Sergio was a true and very rare chef. Years ago, we began working on a succession plan that would ensure continuity and preserve the unique culture that lives in FCA. "

" Of course, you all support Manley "
" I'm sure everyone of you will bring maximum support to Mike, working with him and the management team to achieve the goals from the 2018-2022 business plan with the same commitment and integrity that have guided us to here. John Elkann writes to FCA Group employees in a letter sent after the appointment of Mike Manley.

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