Marianna Pepe, the former shooting champion found dead: two suspects


The escape of a violent man, the refuge of a friend's house with a 5-year-old son. Then cocaine and drugs can be staggering. Marianna Pepe39, was a champion of shooting and military training, but lived for a while in fear of having interrupted his relationship with the former comrade who did not seem to want to give up his decision. On the night of Wednesday 7 to Thursday 8, the heart of the woman stopped. The friend who sheltered her found her dead in bed, at her home muggia in the province of Trieste. The police investigations allowed us to reconstruct the last hours of the five-time champion of Italy, rifle specialty, between 2000 and 2004. Two people who, for the moment, are currently the subject of a investigation.

The prosecutor organized an autopsy to determine the causes of death. According to the first tests – as indicated by the Piccolo di Trieste -, the death could have been caused the simultaneous consumption of drugs and alcohol, but it will be the exam – already scheduled for Tuesday, November 13 – to give the answers. Police investigators have collected testimonials from friends and relatives and it seems to be ruled out that the woman wants to commit suicide.

The day before her death, according to the first reconstruction, Marianna would have been beaten violently by the former partner and probably in front of his five-year-old son. To escape the beatings, with the child, he asked for the hospitality of a friend. In the man the woman allegedly took cocaine and probably drugs. Wake up Thursday, the discovery of death. The woman had recently interrupted a difficult relationship with a man, but the ex-partner would not have resigned at the end of the relationship and would have been violent even in the past, so that the woman would not have a relationship with her. is turned towards the Group of Workers and Anti-Violence Projects (Goap) ask for help. On November 4, he had paraded in uniform on the occasion of National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day, as well as the centennial of the First World War.

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