Market down for the diesel war. Down 7.2% in June


He is still diesel, abused and demonized, at the center of the car's problems. The one-way campaign against this engine (the grievances and clarifications on his virtuosity have had no effect so far) is starting to seriously affect sales figures. In June, the Italian market suffered a sharp drop (-7.3%), precisely because of the collapse of the demand for diesel cars (-17%, as emphasized by Anfia in a note). "Excluding these vehicles – adds director Gianmarco Giorda – registrations would have grown 6% month after month and 5% since January, compared to a semester that ended with -1.5%."

"Given the demonization of this type of power supply – commented Gian Primo Quagliano (Research Center for Promoters) – potential buyers of diesel cars are wondering if they should reorient themselves on the same motor or they move on to another type.And, if so, to which.In this way, many drivers, who find themselves in this situation, postpone the purchases already mature. " In addition, in dealers, the stock of cars at "zero kilometers", according to data from Unrae for the whole of February, sees diesel more than 63%, or more than double that of gasoline cars

. that the diesel war will have on the sales networks is the president of Federauto (dealers) Adoldo De Stefani Cosentino: "The decline of these inscriptions – he observes – launches the theme of opposition to demagoguery and, therefore, the transition to the mobility of the future, and how it should be accompanied and guided without becoming a destabilizing factor also for dealers and related industries. "

In detail, for Fca (-19.3%) to be positive they were only Jeep (+ 91.7%) and Maserati + 2.1%." The figures for June and the first half (-9, 07%) weigh on Fca's decision to favor sales to private customers rather than other channels that are significantly less profitable, "says Quagliano

The other major: in June the good Psa-Opel (+ 54.4 %) and the Volkswagen Group (+ 16.1%).

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