Martina at Pd secretary, tussle over the congress – Politics


Saturday's Maurizio Martina will be the sixth secretary of the Democratic Party. Indeed, it should be: with the DEM is an unavoidable condition because even on Friday, 24 hours of the National Assembly, it was even Martina to threaten to withdraw their candidacy, thus forcing the Democratic Party to immediately celebrate the congress . And it is at the congress date that tug of war continues at night and lasts until 10:30 am when the Assembly will begin. In the background also the internal controversy over the discontinuity of the PD profile compared to that of Matteo Renzi, demanded by the internal left and opposed by the Renziana wing. While Luca Lotti and spokesman Marco Agnoletto ("fake and invented news") have clearly denied the idea of ​​an imminent split of Renzi and Renziani. Renzi, says Lotti, will be present at the meeting of the game and will say his word. Given that the resignation of Matteo Renzi as secretary is irreversible, the National Assembly has – according to the Statute of the Democratic Party – two possibilities: to immediately call a congress or to elect a secretary by an absolute majority of votes, either 501 votes. The first scenario is inept at all currents, agreeing not to rush into a race for names, but to have a "constituent" phase to redefine the political profile of the Democratic Party. Tuesday, Martina proposed to hold a Forum in October, during which she should also deal with external realities, political, social and civic.


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